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Responses: 6
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Republicans no longer fit to be Americans.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
That never stopped them before...

They are still Americans, but I certainly do question their loyalty, their priorities, and their behavior. I think we need to be careful in the language that we use to focus our anger on the wrongness of the actions and not dehumanize or de-Americanize the persons making, supporting, and defending those actions. I certainly don't want to be guilty of the same hyperbolic rhetoric some on the right use to describe Democrats they disagree with or dislike. I feel we have to be better than that.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
MSgt Steve Sweeney Duly Noted Too!
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SPC Les Darbison
It was terrible they came prepared with bear repellent, wasp spray, wore motorcycle helmets, dressed all in black, tried to burn down congress, and blocked all the exits with all those Congressman and Congresswomen inside trying to kill them! And they took over several blocks of the Capital for a few months, and the Republicans allowed it to happen. Just disregarding the civil liberties of all the Ppl that the right held hostage in an autonomous zone. Then stopping Law enforcement from protecting the citizens of that community. And those right-wing anarchists burned down police stations. Oh, wait, wasn't that Portland and Seattle? It wasn't the Capital; it was only a federal courthouse and a few police stations. And as LEOs were being pelted with bricks, frozen water bottles, and commercial-grade fireworks, and ANTIFA tried to blind them by targeting their eyes with lasers. The left called that crime against our citizen's rights in those communities, mainly peaceful protesting. And several DEMs, Including the weak VP Kanala Harass, even raised funds for their bail if they got arrested or booked. Get off our hi-horse Beden was confirmed the next day, wasn't he.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Maybe I am not understanding you... How does any of what you just said preclude an investigation of an attack on the United States Capitol building? How does people doing bad shit in Portland and Seattle in any way influence or change the need for an investigation by Congress of an attack on Congress? How stupid and special do you need to be to think that one thing somehow cancels out or negates the other thing?

I recall people like you, and probably you, claiming the attacks on the U.S. Capitol were staged by Antifa and other nonsensical talking points. If they claims were true, why wouldn't you want an investigation to confirm them? I will tell you why... because people like you know what they are saying is bullshit the minute it comes out of their mouth. They know the bullshit in which they engage seldom stands up to any real scrutiny. But they bullshit anyway. Mostly because they care a lot more about their own bullshit than they ever cared about their country.
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - LOL!! When you say Antifa, you better remember every WWII vet was Antifa. My uncle's ship is still at Guadalcanal and the fascist, just like the fools the gop elects, sunk it. At lest they didn't try to overthrow our democracy!!
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