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Responses: 2
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSG Robert Mark Odom Good! Long Past Due!
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MAJ Ken Landgren
I think I have a solution. It is obvious the decentralization of these cases means cases are not handled properly. Therefore, there has to be a centralized organization that all victims should report to. The organization which is a divisional unit sends consolidated reports the commanding general. The commanding general can see the metrics for quality control and to make him responsible for overseeing the program by superiors. We need to see they have a vested interest in the program because shit rolls down hill. If needed he can fire a sabot round to his subordinate leaders. The cases are farmed out to pertinent brigade, battalion, and company commanders. Make these cases important enough that they have to use a standardized format to create a slideshow. Again shit rolls down hill and the CG gets a consolidated slide show. He can say WTF. Compiling the slide shows ensures units sees tangible cases and the progress or lack of. The division level should work with units and the victims see progress or lack of. Put the fire to the CG’s feet. I get the impression this step is only applied when multiple soldiers go to the press or when cases become horrendous like a female trainee was raped by 20 males. Another case was about another trainee who was raped. She faced retaliation from many Drill Sergeants who weren’t even her trainers. Can you imagine a raped victim who gets smoked from many Drill Sergeants? Leaders need to take care of the sons and daughters of America, but there are evil people in the military who will make soldiers suffer. If I was in the chain of command and found out Drill Sergeants raped or retaliated a trainee I would do my best the rapist gets prison time and to end the careers of the others.

I apologize for any mistakes.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
Careers of others are ended. Sorry about the mistakes. I am in the bed typing on the phone.
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