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Responses: 2
MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
I have a stupid story about Hawaii. I visited Waikiki Beach at 14 with my father. I was just in awe of all the pretty girls in different colors. My father was well educated, man of the world, and an artistic genius. He was one f@cking cool dad. He wanted me to go to college in Hawaii and would buy me a car, and I could live in their condo in one of the high rise buildings. He was trying to tell me to enjoy life. I thought about it and these images of pretty girls in different colors at Waikiki Beach kept popping up in my head. I was 18 and did not trust myslef. I also had an image of me being a beach bum. I went to Texas for college. Eventually I would meet my miserable and pathetic ex wife in Texas. My adult life sucked for many years due to her. I am no longer mad at her. She dead now.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
You made me laugh out loud. I also had a miserable and pathetic ex wife whom I married while on leave from Hawaii. I took her back with me to ruin that experience. Unlike you, I am thankful to my miserable and pathetic ex wife. Twice. She gave me my freedom and taught me to appreciate my bride of 45 years... and counting.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
I will tell u one of the stupid things she did. She got a DUI on Ft Riley and crashed her van. My stupid ex purposely rammed the van into a neighbors parked car the day after we got it out of the shop. Oh guess who was my senior eater. None other than the post commander. Fortunately a mentor was an Armor Brigade Commander and talked to his buddy the post commander on my behalf. I will add some more stupid shit she did. CPT Jack Durish
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MAJ Ken Landgren
From what I understand the Hawaiins of antiquity had their own version of Special Forces.
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