Posted on May 9, 2021
Oklahoma Governor Signs Bill Banning Critical Race Theory in Public Schools
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 6
Its about time someone stood up to this sort of thing. Whenever any group, no matter which one is held up as superior and people are judged by religion, race or any other factor instead of as individuals there is a major problem. Everyone must be held as equal and subject to the same laws, the same punishment for non compliance and afforded the same rights and protections all as citizens of the country.
SGT (Join to see)
I'm going to say there was no racial diversity until ancient man figured out the concepts of living in a cave(shelter), and fire for heat. That was when the northern migrations began and natural selection started changing the appearance of of the various peoples. With the figurative shrinking of the world during the last century, it's only going to be another couple of Hundred years until all of us are some shade of Brown, and the only people that look like something other, are going to Genetic anomalies. People that are trying to push CRT are delusional to the point of dangerous, and are attempting to forestall the natural progression of the Human Genome.
Kids need more history, civics, real math and how to balance a check book. Not ideology or similar stuff to pattern their political and social leanings.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
That's it exactly, learn real life skills that apply to each and every day and actually have value !
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