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Responses: 3
MSgt Steve Sweeney
Edited >1 y ago
I would like to see the language in the actual law they contend make white farmers ineligible. ... Actually, I think I found it, or at least a statement from a FAQ on a USDA.gov website:

Q. Who is eligible to apply for grants under the 2501 Program?

Higher education institutions, eligible conservation districts, eligible economic development corporations, nonprofit organizations, and non-governmental community-based associations or organizations that provide agricultural education or agriculturally related services to socially disadvantaged or veteran farmers and ranchers in their region are eligible and may apply for a grant under the 2501 Program, as -defined in 7 U.S.C. 2279. Individuals are not eligible.

The word "and" before "ranchers", along with the "or" before "veterans" does a lot of heavy lifting here. It does not say "socially disadvantaged ranchers". The "socially disadvantaged" adjective is a descriptor of certain programs, but as I read it, it would not disqualify any ranchers.... and if the "socially disadvantaged" descriptor was incorrectly interpreted as a reason some ranchers were denied aid, then I think those decisions should be reversed for those that applied and were denied on that basis. Still, I do not think it prevents anyone from applying for the aid.

Not a lawyer. Would be interested to hear what a lawyer might say about it.
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney excellent information and great question!
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Maj John Bell
I'm a farmer.

The majority of businesses overcapitalize in the good times and don't save for the bad times. It doesn't matter if you are a farmer or a high tech electronics manufacturer. That is an unsustainable business plan.

If you borrow money... you pay it back.
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
Edited >1 y ago
Why just white farmers? From what I've seen its every race that took the loans wants the debt forgiveness.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
>1 y
I read the article but this is not the only article published on this subject.
I am in agreement about them being spoiled but I stand by what I said.
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