!!!!!!!Herschel Walker For President!!!
Man this guy calls it like it is...sees past the color play...sees past all the underlying bigotry in all races....and identifies all races in fact abuse each other...if left alone on their own little island...and the United States is the melting pot.....and with the Constitution of WE THE PEOPLE..as Herschel Walker...will call out...of which we swore an oath to defend..he is what I say the next president in my mind..elect...
This color play world is old world backwards dynamics of manipulation...
When we live in a worlds where you own father or otherwise family member can do the worst to you...and someone in the military your own brother ..can also....we have to rise above and find a clan..create a clan of people with higher ethics...it will be a clan of people who go beyond the skin that is visual...as if this skin thing is really. The other side of life..where you have morals and ethics ...
This color game..as it is portrayed on tv recently...has brought out men on both sides..of the color barrier ...similar to that of the Berlin Wall...and said hey man they are saying all this color is worst or better then that color...and hitting that nail all the time...but not realizing that. That nail is false...
He even breaks down the history of slavery...and as terrible as it has been in the history of man..as all cultures all skin colors have experienced slavery it seems in some time period...there is one truth..that someone of that same skin color was helping sell their own skin color to another skin color for greed and money.....there are always in this history of man...people within your own skin color that don’t care about your skin color..but see you as a commodity of opportunity for themselves...
And he is also like others ..recently identifying that in that same skin color most of the abuse...most of the crime is the same skin color on same skin color...statistically
These cops are showing up on a hot minute to people who are not walking woman across the streeet...doing good deeds
Nope these cops are showing up to people doing drugs...swinging blades...selling drugs...or stealing...robbing...and similar other things...and then we blame the cop..who has to deal with people like this..all the time...reverse the blame..man cops have a tough job ..
And he also calls out that in the cops abuse of another in custody...there are very well documented cases of same skin color on skin color abuse...and how do you explain that one away..
I will always fight for human rights..and encoded in human rights documents ..written in the history of man...the only thing i notice is that humans act like animals...and we are part animals..so that would make sense...
I think humans are animals with a more developed brain...and we got to continue to develop it..and skin color play..is so old world..so de-evolved...that it is a dark age dynamic of some old world thought that things are played across black and white lines..with no grey...but they dont like grey...they want to use that to make you get animal...fear...
Man i think that cops are humans..military people are humans..and humans are humans...
And I could give a whole nation a whole universe to 1 culture.....1 exact people with the same exact complexion..and if they have human processes like we do now..there will be abuse in that clan someone in that clan will stand up to it...and someone in that clan will start a jail...
So when states Nation states try to manipulate other nation states..that level goes beyond but I think Herschel Walker being an athlete..a man who calls it straight..a fighter in the ring...a man of intelligence...who respects the law with no color line...and believes in the military our own...he could help and lead this nation straight....