Posted on Apr 29, 2021
NRA's Wayne LaPierre elephant hunt video sparks outrage
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 6
Over populations of elephants will devastate an environment in fairly short order. You can pay game control people to shoot the excess beasts, or sell safaris at about $50,000 a pop. Most of that money goes to the game service to help pay for anti poaching efforts, or into the local communities through the pay received by all the safari workers. Further, the villages for miles around share several tons of meat from the kill. If poachers get the animal, it usually is rotten before found.
Sgt Jim Belanus
I'm with you on this, not just anyone can get one , just like deer hunting, no license don't shot
He needs to spend more time @ the range and less time politicking --- then again, a clean kill would still spark "outrage"
1SG Steven Imerman
Herbivores tend to go into shock when badly injured. That looked ugly, and indeed was not what anyone wanted, but the elephant probably felt little or no pain after the first hit. After all, he was being shot with a real elephant gun.
Anti Hunters will always complain about Hunting, That Elephant will FEED Hundreds of Local People in the Local Village Since He Cannot Bring any Meat Back to the U.S. but the LIBS are Mad Because They Didn’t have to Spend any of OUR Taxpayers MONEY to Feed The Village.
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