Posted on Apr 27, 2021
Report: Biden Has Andrew Cuomo Lead White House COVID Calls with Governors
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
Seriously, of all the people he could have selected to do this, he picks Cuomo.
SP5 (Join to see)
LTC David Brown - I don't care if he is the head of the governors association, Cuomo would not be the person I would pick.
If you're going to push your preferred brand of politics, don't use the Covid-19 tag.
Please keep content tagged with "Coronavirus CONVID 19" on topic and relevant. If it's just a...
Please keep content tagged with "Coronavirus CONVID 19" on topic and relevant. If it's just a personal update, humor, or a political opinion, please consider not using a tag. Members are looking for information and the impact this event is having on our way of life so it's important to follow the tagging guidelines.
LTC Kevin B.
LT Brad McInnis - Doesn't matter. When the OP adds commentary such as "like having Gobbles lead a conference on accuracy in the media", it becomes political. Therefore, the Covid tag becomes inappropriate.
LTC David Brown
LT Brad McInnis - Kevin is very humorous for a PHD. I do believe my point is valid since Cuomo has the highest death rate of any state. Cuomo also lined the deaths. It was Cuomo’s policies lead to the deaths.
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