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Responses: 1
LTC Self Employed
Edited 4 y ago
I still foresee AC and NG/USAR will lose 10% of the junior enlisted, NCO, and officer corps due to this. I know I would pass it easily. I am glad they have amended the tuck to the plank. A story in wars are boring wrote 2 years ago of female incoming or selected battalion and brigade commanders not getting their position because they couldn't do One Tuc. I know it is not for record until March of 2022 but I still feel it's going to cause too much attrition.
CPT Staff Officer
CPT (Join to see)
4 y
1SG (Join to see) - Yep, training inequity is going to be awesome...............

I am a stay at home dad, and this fall both my kids will be in school. I'll have like 4 hours a day to work out (not that I will, but I can pick and choose how I will). Right now I really can't leave the house and run without them in the jogger. Then, if they want to work out with me, that sort of takes away my tempo and it's just playing with them and entertaining them.

So I am looking forward to that astronomical time advantage I'll have over my peers. I'll hit retirement age before they finish high school so I'll always have that time as long as I'm in.

OER............ Promote Ahead of Peers...............
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
4 y
CPT (Join to see) That sucks! What I want through military police basic officer leadership course, they would not let us get above the Bronze German Award. I was the officer in charge of making this happen but for some reason, our command would not let me or anybody else try for the gold.
CPT Staff Officer
CPT (Join to see)
4 y
LTC (Join to see) - Sir, I had a BN XO tell me once, when he was new to the unit he just came out early in his tenure there to PT with us so he could lay down and show what he could do. Then he went about his business once it was established he's good to go. He wanted it seen by the Joes.

Then as a 46 y/o company commander I pretty much new anyone behind me on the run (all but a few females) were failing the run. So I'd say things like if you can hear my voice you are not going fast enough. I don't know if it helped anyone. Come end of the weekend I'd write new PT failure flags for everyone I removed.
CPT Staff Officer
CPT (Join to see)
4 y
LTC (Join to see) - I was close to maxing the APFT. I never did. I had it a thought in me that I could, then the ACFT happened, and now I'm all about just getting in another 10 years without being flagged.

I think (maybe I'm wrong) if I can ensure that all my OER's have a current valid passing ACFT score with above average (even slightly above average) bullets I'm golden.

I don't think it will change one way or the other that I reach LTC. I could probably coast lazily to LTC or I could run myself into the ground I'll never get past LTC (I'll hit 22 years at age 60).

But......... if the world goes south like it does from time to time and mass promotions and assignments are based entirely on iPerms records I want my data to be grouped in the upward momentum decision model, or at the very least not in the population of mass reductions if congress says the reserves need to cut 100,000 uniformed positions.

There are pros and cons. While I might complain about the ACFT, I cannot complain in anyway that my Captains Course will be entirely Virtual. I did the correspondence last December, and squeezed in Phase 1 and 2 before June, and both will be MS Teams. I'll have cleared all hurdles for MAJ this year, and I will have not left the house, or had to put on a uniform in any official capacity.

This Covid thing actually bought me a lot of time. Before hit it I couldn't do 1 knee tuck. I did a quasi diagnostic and it was dismal. I could probably pass the ACFT now. But without COVID I presume I would have had at least one ACFT failure and flag on record.
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