Posted on Apr 22, 2021
Why Derek Chauvin's guilty verdict may be overturned | Opinion
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
One of the more sober post-conviction analyses I've seen. And I think he makes some very valid points (they'd be good ones if most folks took them to heart).
Chauvin is guilty a hell. No ifs ands buts about it. This article is one of many that try to create this alternate narrative and sow doubt into the minds of some people that somehow he didn't get a fair trial. That's bullshit.
The threat became a part of the court record, and as the judge told Chauvin's defense lawyer, "Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned."
For the judge to even bring up Maxine Waters in the trial is ridiculous. Why should anyone on that jury care what she said? Plenty of people have something to say about the trial but their words don't mean jack and honestly I never even herd what she said until now. Does it change my opinion? No.
The threat became a part of the court record, and as the judge told Chauvin's defense lawyer, "Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned."
For the judge to even bring up Maxine Waters in the trial is ridiculous. Why should anyone on that jury care what she said? Plenty of people have something to say about the trial but their words don't mean jack and honestly I never even herd what she said until now. Does it change my opinion? No.
1LT William Clardy
I'm confused, SGT Charlie L.. Do you make a habit of posting things you don't believe? If you don't, why do you imply that SSgt (Join to see) should?
If it does get overturned, at least the world has seen him for the murderer he is.
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