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Responses: 5
Capt Gregory Prickett
Jesus, talk about imaginary scenarios. First, it has to get past the Minnesota appellate process. Then it has to be granted certiorari, then it would have to get past a harm analysis. And if you didn't support overturning Bergdahl's conviction for Trump's comments, you're on far weaker ground here. Waters isn't even in the chain of power, being an out-of-state Congress critter.

The next question is whether or not you think that he was or was not in fact guilty based on the trial. Well?
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
>1 y
Guilt is not really an issue. Justice however is a little more questionable. I'm not sure, given the publicity and the sheer number of times that video was replayed if it was ever possible to put together an unbiased jury. However, common sense dictates that in a trial such as this, jurors will feel pressure. Even if they were very deliberate in their attempts to avoid news, it is so pervasive as to make that almost impossible. I can almost guarantee they heard and/or saw the threats of violence, if the trial went the wrong way. Even if they by some miracle avoided that, they came into the trial knowing the likelihood of that. Because they were not sequestered, we can not be sure they did not hear the remarks of Maxine and others.

You are right on one thing. Waters didn't belong there.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
PO1 Kevin Dougherty - where did I say that Waters didn't belong there?
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - you didn't specifically, but you did observe that this was not her home, she was an out of stater. In my mind, given her words and past statements, that makes her an outside activist/agitator, and no better that those who traveled from out of state to participate in the riots last summer. Flatly stated, she came for political gain and did not belong there.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
PO1 Kevin Dougherty - you do understand that she still has a constitutional right to protest and petition the government for a redress of grievances, even in a different state, don't you? Do you think that all of the civil rights protesters of the 1960s were locals?
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Edited >1 y ago
I'm not a lawyer, but appeals usually deal with actions taken inside of a courtroom. If the Chauvin verdict is overturned because of what jurors may have heard in media reports (which they were admonished to not read, watch, or listen to), every high profile criminal trial that ends in conviction will play that card in the future. It's a slippery slope, especially since sequestration does not ensure jurors would not have access to media reports. How do we effectively cut them off from all forms of outside communications?
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
>1 y
The judge flat out told the defense they probably had been handed a good argument on appeal. You think that will not come up then?
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
PO1 Kevin Dougherty - It's not going to matter, it's not going to pass a harm analysis, and the jurors were sequestered during deliberations. It's doubtful that they were even aware of the comments by Waters.

I didn't watch the trial, but my wife did, and she's a retired lawyer. She went into the trial thinking that Chauvin would be acquitted, and at the end was firmly convinced of his guilt. She stated that the evidence of guilt was overwhelming, especially the police body cam videos, and that the defense attorneys did a piss-poor job throughout the trial.

She also doesn't think that an appeal will reverse the judgment of the jury.
Cpl Benjamin Long
It's inevitable... You can't use Mafia tactics to threaten jurors without retribution from the court
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