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Responses: 5
SFC Intelligence Analyst
This is why people don't trust cops. This is why people are mad. This is why people are protesting. Why do law enforcement officers just get to shoot based on "thoughts" and "feelings?" Why did we have strict ROE and EOF in COMBAT but cops can just "think" something and shoot?

It's bullshit. The system needs a complete overhaul but the only way that will happen is from within. I'm tired of the "just a few bad apples" or "there are good cops." No - there are no good cops until they start changing the system from within. Until they stop the bad cops when they see abuse of the badge.

This girl called for HELP and she was killed.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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>1 y
CPL Earl Kochis Ooh the conservative boogeyman buzz word "communism." Always about fear you guys. Smh.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - I believe you are letting your feeling run away with you. You make it sound like there is some upheaval of white on black killing/violence. The actual numbers and statistics just don’t bear that out. I am no coward, lets speak the truth here. The ugly truth here, if we want the truth, is there is much more black on black violence/killing than any other kind in our Country. I will post a New Your Post article that shows some NYC numbers that are undisputable, and I believe they parallel a lot of cities around our Country. Look at these numbers honestly and then ask the questions: Who are going to protect primarily black neighborhoods when there is no more police department? Will the police departments be better or less able to respond to calls of violence when their best people retire or move and accept positions in safer cities? How do you think this story of a 16 year old girl stabbing others would turn out if BLM responded to the call? You better think long. Don’t say it can’t happen here. Look at some law enforcement areas in Europe that have splintered apart. The same thing can happen here. No it's not simple, but we better get it right. Can the system be better, heck yes everything can be better, but not by as much as you think. Our system of law enforcement and justice is where the world wants to come to. Think about that. MHO
PO2 David Davidson
PO2 David Davidson
3 y
Once again, you produce another truly ignorant statement. Like my grandfather used to tell me, “You should make sure your brain is loaded before shooting off your mouth.”
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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3 y
PO2 David Davidson - Who are you talking to and why did you revive an old thread? Lame.
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SSgt Owner/Operator
Cops should no longer serve and PROTECT. Check.
Cops should only defend themselves and not care about the public. Check.
A civilian stabbing a knife into another human being should be watched, maybe even cheered on. Check.

I'm kinda digging this emotional response to any situation. Why the hell do we need facts?! Let's make up our own minds based on our feelings alone. It's not like this is something new to society. Reminds me of a musical. We all like musicals, right? Warm and fuzzy, a real sense of FEELING.

SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Feel good vs. do good, I pick do good every time. Too many people in our society cannot identify one from the other, so sad.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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What do they protect? Nothing. What do they prevent? Nothing. What do they solve? Nothing.

But it's funny how they can seem to apprehend white mass shooters with no incident, take them to drive thru, or give them water and coddle them but somehow can never apprehend a black person without hurting or killing them. Hmmm.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - and you have a very skewed view on cops I see. I guess our jails have a ZERO black population as they, as you put it, "...can never apprehend a black person without hurting or killing them."

When a suspect drops his weapon and surrenders I guess you would like to see the cops execute him on the spot. When a suspect attacks a cop I guess you want the cop to sacrifice himself instead of protecting himself or those around him.

I certainly hope you are not a concealed carry person.
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CW4 Guy Butler
Here’s the kicker - if she had had a gun, she would have been covered by Ohio’s “Stand Your Ground” law.
CPL Earl Kochis
CPL Earl Kochis
>1 y
Wrong! The second she made the call to 911 she shoild have stayed in her house! Under stand your ground you cannot go get a weapon and come back. That becomes premeditated! As any CCW carrier knows. She went and got a knife and then went to fighting therefore became the agressor. Had she stayed in tge house and allowed the Police to do their job she would be alive. Also something they forgot to mention in this article is the fact she stabbed the first girl and was attempting to stab the second one when she was ordered to stop. At that point stand your ground was over anyway.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
CPL Earl Kochis - Thanks for the straight part of the story. The media leaves out so much stuff, I don't know what they get paid for.
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