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Responses: 1
SFC Casey O'Mally
Wait... you mean if we are caught lying, cheating, ignoring rules, or just being bad at running our local election twice in a row, someone is going to DO something about it? Why are you persecuting us?!?!?!

Two or more times in two years. It is not like elections happen every day, every week, or even every month. That should NOT be a difficult threshhold to avoid. If I screwed up the most important task of my job even 10% of the time, you can bet I would AT LEAST be getting some extra supervisor love, if not outright fired. So would every NORMAL working person. Yet if you are an election official, evidently that extra supervision is "overreach."

And yes, it WILL make elections more expensive. That is what happens when you EXPAND VOTING. (Which, of course, didn't happen in this "oppressive voter suppression law.")
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