Posted on Apr 12, 2021
Army didn’t prosecute NCO accused of rape. So he did it again. And again
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
This is what goes on every - damn - day in the military, especially the Army. No this is not an isolated case for those naysayers who want to say it.
A former soldier of mine was sexually assaulted when I was the BN SARC. Substantiated. Went to court martial - not guilty. She had to come back after getting out of the Army to testify even. Then I ran into someone from that unit after we both left and that guy came up - and apparently after his not guilty he bragged about how he "got away with it." And apparently he had a GOMAR for something similar from a prior unit.
The Army sucks at prosecuting sexual assault and sex crimes. Period.
A former soldier of mine was sexually assaulted when I was the BN SARC. Substantiated. Went to court martial - not guilty. She had to come back after getting out of the Army to testify even. Then I ran into someone from that unit after we both left and that guy came up - and apparently after his not guilty he bragged about how he "got away with it." And apparently he had a GOMAR for something similar from a prior unit.
The Army sucks at prosecuting sexual assault and sex crimes. Period.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SSgt Addison R. - I know it's not just the Army. But I've only had experience with SHARP and being a SARC in the Army so I went from that perspective.
Honestly - I'm not surprised by this. It's disgusting, vile, sadistic - insert more adjectives. But am I shocked by this? No. This crap happening in the military just doesn't shock me at all. I don't know if that's even worse.
Honestly - I'm not surprised by this. It's disgusting, vile, sadistic - insert more adjectives. But am I shocked by this? No. This crap happening in the military just doesn't shock me at all. I don't know if that's even worse.
LT Brad McInnis
SFC James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SFC Kelly FuerhoffSSgt Addison R. I don't think it happens as much in the other services, but it does happen, and it absolutely shouldn't. In my years, I only dealt with 3 cases (that I knew about, not saying how many I didn't) and they were all dealt with harshly.
Frankly, I don't think it will get better until all cases are investigated and the reading of the findings/punishment are done in the "public square" so to speak. So many people are afraid to talk about it and it needs to be talked about. The fear of public shaming could prevent some jacka@@ from being a jacka@@. No soldier, sailor, airman, marine or guard needs to be put through something like this.
As to the jacka@@ in the story, what a special kind of lowlife to go after the wife of one of your subordinates. I'll tell you there probably would have been man overboard during the mid watch if he was in the Navy....
Frankly, I don't think it will get better until all cases are investigated and the reading of the findings/punishment are done in the "public square" so to speak. So many people are afraid to talk about it and it needs to be talked about. The fear of public shaming could prevent some jacka@@ from being a jacka@@. No soldier, sailor, airman, marine or guard needs to be put through something like this.
As to the jacka@@ in the story, what a special kind of lowlife to go after the wife of one of your subordinates. I'll tell you there probably would have been man overboard during the mid watch if he was in the Navy....
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
LT Brad McInnis - It's bad enough he was a serial rapist for several years and then he raped HIS DAUGHTER. His daughter is when someone finally was like "oh shit this guy is bad." That could have been stopped as well if someone had stopped him with that first known case. To rape anyone is atrocious but when someone rapes their own child?
Honestly he should not have been offered any plea deals. Given a death sentence and then executed in the most horrific ways imaginable.
Honestly he should not have been offered any plea deals. Given a death sentence and then executed in the most horrific ways imaginable.
LT Brad McInnis
SFC James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" - Hey appreciate it.! But, I also got the "I'm an LT and was lost" excuse !
This makes me sick. Whoever decided a GOMOR was sufficient needs to suffer in a tremendous
way. This shows very poor judgement was used. The standard for rape is not a GOMOR. I have always said an organization that does not follow standards is a corrupt organization. I wonder if he had a buddy in the legal system who protected him. The army really needs to clean up the mess in regards to rapes and sexual harassments.
One of the most important tasks for leadership is taking care of people, but the army has a huge black eye in regards to rapes and sexual harassments. It is obvious we have many leaders who can't do the right thing in all facets of the leadership capacities. It disgusts me that we have leaders whose values have been compromised.
way. This shows very poor judgement was used. The standard for rape is not a GOMOR. I have always said an organization that does not follow standards is a corrupt organization. I wonder if he had a buddy in the legal system who protected him. The army really needs to clean up the mess in regards to rapes and sexual harassments.
One of the most important tasks for leadership is taking care of people, but the army has a huge black eye in regards to rapes and sexual harassments. It is obvious we have many leaders who can't do the right thing in all facets of the leadership capacities. It disgusts me that we have leaders whose values have been compromised.
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