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Responses: 3
SrA John Monette
making sure they "win"???
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SP5 Nuclear Weapons Specialist
This is true, I can confirm that.
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CW3 Dick McManus
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth presented evidence at a conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers

March 31, 2021 This video taken at this conference will show you how NIST lied due to its sue a computer model that does not look anything like actual video tapes people took as World Trade Center building seven was collapsing.

This is just one piece of evidence that proves the NIST’s investigation was grossly negligence and it report was full of lies.

see video at the link below
AE911Truth presents to 200 engineers, challenges ASCE president-elect

The only way to melt steel is in a steel factor at over 2750 degrees F. The fires in the WTC buildings only got at a maximum of 1,000 degree F. and they moved every 20 to 30 minutes seeking new shit to burn. And then the cool 9 mph breeze cooled the steel and it regained 100 percent of its strength. The high up in the Twin Towers the steel interior columns got thinner and so weighed less. The same was true of the outer box columns which carried 30 percent of the weight of the upper floors. Therefore how can lighter weight crush thicker and stronger steel columns and beams lower down in the Twin Towers? What should have happened as the collapsing upper sections should have stopped falling. Therein no total collapse violates the laws of physics. And there was nano-thermite found within the dust at ground zero and molten steel as well witnesses by many workers.

Resolution for a New Congressional Investigation events on September 11, 2001 and the anthrax letter attacks

WHEREAS some 3, 389 architects and engineers (AE911truth.org,), , some 320 skilled commercial of military pilots (Pilots for 9/11 Truth), and some 58 elected public officials are saying that there is scientific irrefutably evidence proving that the TOTAL collapse of the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001 were destroyed by explosives and incendiaries and not fire or airplanes,

WHEREAS Richard L. Lambert the FBI special agent in charge of the murder investigation of the 9/11 anthrax letters, he stated his bosses at FBI shut down or covered up his investigation, and so he filed a whistleblower complaint about their dereliction of duty,

WHEREAS 911 Commissioners Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton said that the FAA and NORAD did not tell the truth to the Commission and 9/11 Commissioners Bob Kerrey and Max Cleland called the Commission’s investigation a cover up,

WHEREAS the 9/11 Commission Report is full of lies and misinformation,

WHEREAS the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) final report made no recommendations about building future steel high rise building so they do not collapsing due for fires, and because never before nor after 9/11 had/has a steel high rise building ever collapsed with molten steel found within the wreckage,
WHEREAS NIST failed to include in its final report any eye witness statements from first responders who alleged they saw melted steel within the wreckage, nor did their report explain extremely high temperatures observed within the wreckage for months after the collapse and white smoke coming off the wreckage.

WHEREAS NIST did not explain why the World Trade Center buildings TOTALLY collapsed, only stated why the top 12 and 30 floors stated to collapse of the Twin Towers,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we call for a new public Congressional investigation of event before, during, and after the mass murder on 9/11 and the anthrax letter attacks,

9/11 scared the crap-o-la out of America and we went to war for oil and the big question was 9/11 part of a big plan?


Video classes Part 2, about the science of 9/11 truth
Part 3

Part 1

There is also a video of yellow colored steel dripping off the side of the south Twin Tower just before it collapsed. It is not aluminum metal because it is silver color as a liquid.

9/11 Whistleblower: Kevin Ryan former UL scientist

“But someone would have talked by now”

The 9/11 Commission whistleblowers

9/11 Whistleblower: Michael Springmann

9/11 Whistleblowers: William Rodriguez

The New Pearl Harbor revisited
https://www.facebook.com/sultan.abdallah70/videos/ [login to see] 08442/UzpfSTcxOTg1MDYwMjpWSzoxMTM0MzkyMDQ2NzIwNzIz/

Steel melts at 2,750 degree F. See the photo of yellow hot steel (2,192 F.) being removed from the WTC wreckage at http://www.911myths.com/html/wtc_molten_steel.html)

About the possibility of uninterruptible autopilots?
Atlantic Underground Podcast Episode #40 Guest (Capt. Dan Hanley) - YouTube

My book: "9/11 Hard Evidence"

or For sale at Amazon Kindle books

Send me an email at [login to see] and I will reply with books for free

We are in an ideological war on science.

Resolution to prosecute Christine Todd Whitman, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and the James Connaughton

WHEREAS the EPA said they not find the extreme health hazards from the dust and air nearby the World Trade Center on 9/11,

WHEREAS when EPA did find hazards, they didn’t tell people, or they came up with very lame excuses for why the people in New York City shouldn’t be concerned,

WHEREAS the EPA found out that their own employees were sick in December 2001,

WHEREAS many non-US government scientists warned that the air and dust was extremely dangerous to people’s health,

WHEREAS more than 43,000 people have been certified as coming down with very bad health as a result,

WHEREAS as of September 2018, 10,000 people diagnosed with cancer linked to 9/11.
WHEREAS we are troubled that major news media companies did not warn the people in New York City about the extreme danger from breathing in the dust and smoke from the wreckage pile,

WHEREAS we are troubled that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) knew the workers at ground zero and the WTC wreckage pile were not wearing respirators as recommended, and OSGA did not shut-down the work site,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLOVED we demand Christine Todd Whitman, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and the White House Council on Environmental Quality James Connaughton be prosecuted for failing to warn people about the extreme danger from breathing the toxic dust and air nearby the World Trade Center wreckage after 9/11

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