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Responses: 4
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
No matter whether they pass laws to either take weapons away from the peaceful gun owners or to tax them so it's hard to buy them, criminals are going to have their own weapons that the police don't know about, and the people that are without will be easier targets shipmate PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
Okay by that "logic" let's just get rid of laws. Right? F* it. People break laws every day - so let's just live in anarchy. That's what I hear when people say "CrImInAlS dOn'T fOlLoW laWs!"
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - No let's just get rid of things like fire extinguishers, seat belts, and bicycle helmets. You really don't need them until it's too late. Just like firearms.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
SPC Les Darbison - I can't even with some of you.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Anarchy exist were laws aren't equally enforced. Just think about the riots and looting that happened most of last years. Those neighborhoods destroyed. Some under occupation by those same Ppl. If a foreign country occupied any of our territory that would be a cause for war. Yet we allowed THUGS to infreign on our peaceful citizens communities and take away all of their God given rights and freedoms!
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Edited >1 y ago
I fear the two sides are so far apart there may never be a solution to this issue. Especially when we have organizations making money off the status quo.
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SPC Les Darbison
Edited >1 y ago
The left-sided media dropped covering the Colorado shooting when the perpetrator came from the middle east. And they couldn't blame it on a white man. So they had their fall-back plan lets make more gun laws!
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