Posted on Mar 27, 2021
Trump falsely claims the Capitol rioters were 'hugging and kissing' police as they stormed the...
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
In several picture and in a lot of the footage taken you could see them pushing capital police around for sure brother 1SG (Join to see)
CW3 Dick McManus
SSgt (Join to see) - We all have a duty to insure the law is faithfully executed. Trump and his father were sued by the federal government for housing discrimination in the 1970’s for refusing to rent to blacks after an uncover investigation. They lost, signed a consent decree, and were forced to desegregate their properties, which they later violated.
-He was charged with fraud in connection with Trump University.
- Trump Tower was built using undocumented Polish laborers to demolish the building that previously stood on the site. An NBC News story in which numerous witnesses were interviewed showed that Trump knew about the undocumented, unpaid workers. Yet under oath, Trump testified that he knew nothing, thus adding perjury allegations to the labor law violations.
- Trump’s charitable foundation appears to have repeatedly broken IRS rules, according to the Washington Post. In five cases, the Trump Foundation told the IRS that it had given a gift to a charity whose leaders told The Post that they had never received it. In two other cases, companies listed as donors to the Trump Foundation told The Post that those listings were incorrect.
-A deposition describes him raping his first wife Ivana, pulling out fistfuls of her hair in a fit of rage, stripping off her clothes. The divorce was granted on grounds of Donald’s “cruel and inhuman treatment” of Ivana.
Trump's Criminal History Should Be Front and Center | HuffPost
Where is the demand to prosecute those in charge including the Trumpster for kidnapping kids from their parents who illegally entered the US?
Judge says Justice Department cannot defend Trump in E. Jean Carroll rape defamation suit Oct 27, 2020:
26 incidents of "unwanted sexual contact" by the Trumpster and 43 instances of inappropriate behavior were detailed in the book, All the President's Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator.
Paid hush money to a porn star when running for President.
Trump did not punish Saudi Arab for the murder of an American journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018 on the orders of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Former White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, has told friends that President Donald Trump "is the most flawed person" he's ever known. Trump can't stand to hear the Truth! He lies, steals & cheats! He has 2000+ court cases awaiting him as a defendant! His dishonesty is the transactional nature of every relationship.
Representative Herrera Beutler said House Minority Leader Kevin: McCarthy had told her that when he reached Trump by phone as the Capitol was breached and McCarthy "asked him to publicly and forcefully call off the riot." Trump rebuffed his request by saying, “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.’”
She was one of the ten GOP members of the US House who voted to impeach the former president for his role in the Jan. 6 riot.
Prosecution of George W. Bush et. al. for War Crimes
WHEREAS there is overwhelming evidence that President George W. Bush and et. al. (his direct subordinates) committed war crimes,
WHEREAS international law requires the United States government to prosecute all war crimes committed by US persons; for example, torture, ghost prisoners, secret jails, used depleted uranium weapons that poisoned the battlefield and civilians for many years following the warfare, and making war on Iraq without a UN resolution,
WHEREAS President Bush et al, ordered the kidnapping of an estimated 150 people from foreign nations (aka “extraordinary rendition”) and delivering them for interrogation by nations having a well documented history of torture,
WHEREAS, Regarding Iraq, the last Security Council resolution essentially said, “Look, send the weapons inspectors out to Iraq, have them come back and tell us what they've found -- then we'll figure out what we're going to do.” But without permission/vote of the UN Security Council, the US invaded Iraq and in so doing the US did unprovoked or "aggressive" war, the highest crime against mankind,
WHEREAS President Bush and seven of his administration's top officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made at least 935 false statements in the two years following September 11, 2001, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq,
WHEREAS If George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and others are not prosecuted US government leaders in the future will not fear any personal consequences for going to war without a declaration by Congress,
WHEREAS the claim that the President, as commander-in-chief, can exercise the unlimited powers of a king or dictator strikes at the very heart of our democracy and the rule of law requires a rejection of impunity for the criminal acts of government officials,
WHEREAS 6,900 and approximately 7,800 contractors were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan at the end of 2018, 52,010 wounded in action, and this number does not included are those “non-hostile injuries” and other medical problems such as heat stroke, suicide attempts, respiratory problems, and vehicle crashes,
WHEREAS 970,000 disability claims registered with the VA,
WHEREAS these wars have been paid for almost entirely by borrowing, therefore including the predicted interest payments, the total cost will be over $6 trillion by the 2050s,
WHEREAS more than 480,000 people have been killed by direct war violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan and over 8.4 million Afghans, Pakistanis, and Iraqis are living as war refugees in other countries or are displaced from their homes,
WHEREAS every segment of the US electorate–including majorities of Democrats (82 percent), independents (62 percent), and Republicans (51 percent) — want to hold the Bush administration accountable for its role in the destruction of the CIA’s interrogation tapes and the use of torture by the agency,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we demand the US Justice Department prosecute of George W. Bush et. al. for war crimes,
Resolution demanding the US military Generals responsible for using depleted uranium (DU) should be tried for war crimes.
WHEREAS during the first Gulf War invasion of Iraq (1990 thru the fall of 1991), the US contaminated Iraq with 350 ton of solid U-238 called depleted uranium (DU), NATO has used in Afghanistan are three to five times greater than Iraq 1991, and some 1,100 and 2,200 tons was used during the second US invasion of Iraq.
WHEREAS there was nothing “depleted” rather it is made up of high concentrations of enriched U-235, U-238 were other radioactive hot particles like plutonium, U-235, etc,. but is only “depleted” down to a lower percentage of these dangerous elements in nuclear fuel rods, so they are no longer in a high enough concentration to continue using the fuel rods within a nuclear reactor to make electricity.
WHEREAS the only reason to use DU in making weapons projectiles (aka kinetic penetrator) is to use it against the most advance Russian tanks because DU is 2.5 times denser than steel and 1.7 times the density of lead for punching holes thru Russian tanks.
WHEREAS over 250,000 US military and citizens who served in the Iraq Gulf Wars got sick with symptoms known as Gulf War Syndrome which is caused when DU particles get lodged in the lungs and can wreak havoc with a person’s immune system.
WHEREAS during 1995 the US/ NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 used between 10 and 15 tons of depleted uranium, which caused a major environmental disaster, also fired approximately 10000 rounds of DU munitions during battle in Serbia and US forces fired over 31,000 rounds of 30 mm DU munitions during 100 missions into Kosovo or inner Serbia.
WHEREAS on impact DU catches fire, and much of the round is turned into burning dust that is made up of aerosolized nano particles. that can travel up to 300 kilometers, for example, Greek experts registered a nearly 30 percent jump in radioactivity levels and there are downwind concerns about increased radioactivity levels in India, South Asia, and in the Himalayas in China/PRC.
WHEREAS Lymph node cancer incidences between 1999 and 2012 rose 80 percent, with terminal cases showing an eleven percent rise with Serbia expected to have 5,500 registered cancer patients per million residents compared to just 2,000 per million elsewhere in the world, and additionally many more birth deformities.
WHEREAS in September 2009 after 2003 US invasion of Iraq, doctors at the Fallujah General Hospital in Iraq witnessed an unprecedented numbers of birth defects and premature births, and for example, out of 170 newborn babies 24 percent died with 75 percent of the dead babies have been classified as deformed.
WHEREAS DU was used during the NATO invasion and bombing of Libya.
WHEREAS the US bombing range on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques has been contaminated by DU and it is estimated the cost of cleaning up the DU contamination at the 500-acre military firing range at Jefferson Proving Ground in Indiana is between $4 billion and $5 billion.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we demand the US Justice Department prosecute the US military Generals responsible for using depleted uranium (DU), a war crime.
-He was charged with fraud in connection with Trump University.
- Trump Tower was built using undocumented Polish laborers to demolish the building that previously stood on the site. An NBC News story in which numerous witnesses were interviewed showed that Trump knew about the undocumented, unpaid workers. Yet under oath, Trump testified that he knew nothing, thus adding perjury allegations to the labor law violations.
- Trump’s charitable foundation appears to have repeatedly broken IRS rules, according to the Washington Post. In five cases, the Trump Foundation told the IRS that it had given a gift to a charity whose leaders told The Post that they had never received it. In two other cases, companies listed as donors to the Trump Foundation told The Post that those listings were incorrect.
-A deposition describes him raping his first wife Ivana, pulling out fistfuls of her hair in a fit of rage, stripping off her clothes. The divorce was granted on grounds of Donald’s “cruel and inhuman treatment” of Ivana.
Trump's Criminal History Should Be Front and Center | HuffPost
Where is the demand to prosecute those in charge including the Trumpster for kidnapping kids from their parents who illegally entered the US?
Judge says Justice Department cannot defend Trump in E. Jean Carroll rape defamation suit Oct 27, 2020:
26 incidents of "unwanted sexual contact" by the Trumpster and 43 instances of inappropriate behavior were detailed in the book, All the President's Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator.
Paid hush money to a porn star when running for President.
Trump did not punish Saudi Arab for the murder of an American journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018 on the orders of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Former White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, has told friends that President Donald Trump "is the most flawed person" he's ever known. Trump can't stand to hear the Truth! He lies, steals & cheats! He has 2000+ court cases awaiting him as a defendant! His dishonesty is the transactional nature of every relationship.
Representative Herrera Beutler said House Minority Leader Kevin: McCarthy had told her that when he reached Trump by phone as the Capitol was breached and McCarthy "asked him to publicly and forcefully call off the riot." Trump rebuffed his request by saying, “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.’”
She was one of the ten GOP members of the US House who voted to impeach the former president for his role in the Jan. 6 riot.
Prosecution of George W. Bush et. al. for War Crimes
WHEREAS there is overwhelming evidence that President George W. Bush and et. al. (his direct subordinates) committed war crimes,
WHEREAS international law requires the United States government to prosecute all war crimes committed by US persons; for example, torture, ghost prisoners, secret jails, used depleted uranium weapons that poisoned the battlefield and civilians for many years following the warfare, and making war on Iraq without a UN resolution,
WHEREAS President Bush et al, ordered the kidnapping of an estimated 150 people from foreign nations (aka “extraordinary rendition”) and delivering them for interrogation by nations having a well documented history of torture,
WHEREAS, Regarding Iraq, the last Security Council resolution essentially said, “Look, send the weapons inspectors out to Iraq, have them come back and tell us what they've found -- then we'll figure out what we're going to do.” But without permission/vote of the UN Security Council, the US invaded Iraq and in so doing the US did unprovoked or "aggressive" war, the highest crime against mankind,
WHEREAS President Bush and seven of his administration's top officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made at least 935 false statements in the two years following September 11, 2001, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq,
WHEREAS If George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and others are not prosecuted US government leaders in the future will not fear any personal consequences for going to war without a declaration by Congress,
WHEREAS the claim that the President, as commander-in-chief, can exercise the unlimited powers of a king or dictator strikes at the very heart of our democracy and the rule of law requires a rejection of impunity for the criminal acts of government officials,
WHEREAS 6,900 and approximately 7,800 contractors were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan at the end of 2018, 52,010 wounded in action, and this number does not included are those “non-hostile injuries” and other medical problems such as heat stroke, suicide attempts, respiratory problems, and vehicle crashes,
WHEREAS 970,000 disability claims registered with the VA,
WHEREAS these wars have been paid for almost entirely by borrowing, therefore including the predicted interest payments, the total cost will be over $6 trillion by the 2050s,
WHEREAS more than 480,000 people have been killed by direct war violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan and over 8.4 million Afghans, Pakistanis, and Iraqis are living as war refugees in other countries or are displaced from their homes,
WHEREAS every segment of the US electorate–including majorities of Democrats (82 percent), independents (62 percent), and Republicans (51 percent) — want to hold the Bush administration accountable for its role in the destruction of the CIA’s interrogation tapes and the use of torture by the agency,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we demand the US Justice Department prosecute of George W. Bush et. al. for war crimes,
Resolution demanding the US military Generals responsible for using depleted uranium (DU) should be tried for war crimes.
WHEREAS during the first Gulf War invasion of Iraq (1990 thru the fall of 1991), the US contaminated Iraq with 350 ton of solid U-238 called depleted uranium (DU), NATO has used in Afghanistan are three to five times greater than Iraq 1991, and some 1,100 and 2,200 tons was used during the second US invasion of Iraq.
WHEREAS there was nothing “depleted” rather it is made up of high concentrations of enriched U-235, U-238 were other radioactive hot particles like plutonium, U-235, etc,. but is only “depleted” down to a lower percentage of these dangerous elements in nuclear fuel rods, so they are no longer in a high enough concentration to continue using the fuel rods within a nuclear reactor to make electricity.
WHEREAS the only reason to use DU in making weapons projectiles (aka kinetic penetrator) is to use it against the most advance Russian tanks because DU is 2.5 times denser than steel and 1.7 times the density of lead for punching holes thru Russian tanks.
WHEREAS over 250,000 US military and citizens who served in the Iraq Gulf Wars got sick with symptoms known as Gulf War Syndrome which is caused when DU particles get lodged in the lungs and can wreak havoc with a person’s immune system.
WHEREAS during 1995 the US/ NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 used between 10 and 15 tons of depleted uranium, which caused a major environmental disaster, also fired approximately 10000 rounds of DU munitions during battle in Serbia and US forces fired over 31,000 rounds of 30 mm DU munitions during 100 missions into Kosovo or inner Serbia.
WHEREAS on impact DU catches fire, and much of the round is turned into burning dust that is made up of aerosolized nano particles. that can travel up to 300 kilometers, for example, Greek experts registered a nearly 30 percent jump in radioactivity levels and there are downwind concerns about increased radioactivity levels in India, South Asia, and in the Himalayas in China/PRC.
WHEREAS Lymph node cancer incidences between 1999 and 2012 rose 80 percent, with terminal cases showing an eleven percent rise with Serbia expected to have 5,500 registered cancer patients per million residents compared to just 2,000 per million elsewhere in the world, and additionally many more birth deformities.
WHEREAS in September 2009 after 2003 US invasion of Iraq, doctors at the Fallujah General Hospital in Iraq witnessed an unprecedented numbers of birth defects and premature births, and for example, out of 170 newborn babies 24 percent died with 75 percent of the dead babies have been classified as deformed.
WHEREAS DU was used during the NATO invasion and bombing of Libya.
WHEREAS the US bombing range on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques has been contaminated by DU and it is estimated the cost of cleaning up the DU contamination at the 500-acre military firing range at Jefferson Proving Ground in Indiana is between $4 billion and $5 billion.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we demand the US Justice Department prosecute the US military Generals responsible for using depleted uranium (DU), a war crime.
The 26 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct
Here are all of the allegations of sexual misconduct made against President Donald Trump, nearly all of which he has denied.
SSgt (Join to see)
No you don't. I have not seen anything from you against any other politician (most of which break their oaths!).
Who gives a sh!t what he says now? Just another loser. I've put him in the same box I keep HRC and that's probably unfair to HRC (and that's saying a lot).
CW3 Dick McManus
Crooked Hillary needs to be prosecuted
She and Bill Clinton are guilty of trafficking in cocaine and launder money with the CIA in order to illegally fund the Contras 86 pages. And Hillary had to Know.
Send me an email at [login to see] and I will reply with books for free
or For sale at Amazon Kindle books (then search for the titles)
According to former National Security Agency officer Bill Binney, the DNC computer was not hacked by Russians, rather someone physically downloaded the documents onto a thumb drive. He also believes the intelligence community has not told the truth about what happened. Binney said there is a possibility that the NSA itself hacked the Democratic National Committee's emails and gave the files to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
NSA trace route packets are embedded in hundreds of switchers around the world, and that email messages are easily traced. If it was a hack, Binney reveals, the NSA would know who the sender and recipients of the data are, thanks to mass internet surveillance programs. The intelligence apparatus does not depend on “circumstantial evidence,” as has been reported.
Binney said, “The evidence that should be there is absent; otherwise, it would surely be brought forward, since this could be done without any danger to sources and methods,” the letter stated. “Thus, we conclude that the emails were leaked by an insider – as was the case with Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Such an insider could be anyone in a government department or agency with access to NSA databases, or perhaps someone within the DNC.” [login to see] 48568197-nsa-whistleblower-binney-cia-lying-russia/
Pay to play by Sec/State Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton had to sign a document when she was read onto TS/SCI/SAP, Gama access.
She and her aides were warned of the punishment for not following NSA directives in transmitting TS/SCI or SAP national security information. They had to sign a non-disclosure agreement after this briefing about what they could say or not say about the Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) compartments to which they were read-on to. I used to do the briefings for soldiers within the Army.
Eight top secret passages and 37 secret passages - that passed through Clinton's private server suggested criminality. And FBI document said, “The sheer volume of information that was properly classified as Secret at the time it was discussed on email supports an inference that the participants were grossly negligent in their handling of that information."
The server and cell phone use by Hillary was not a mistake, it was criminal negligence and intent is not an element of this crime and with regard to classified top secret/special access program information, everyone else would be in jail for ten years and $10,000 fine.
NSA still has a copy of the 30,000 email Hillary or her aides destroyed.
Hillary Clinton got a $142 million dollars into her foundation from a Russian Company. This company bought 20 percent of the US production of uranium and is being shipped to Russia.
Hillary Clinton voted for the war against Iraq, she sent the CIA into Syria resulting in 500,000 civilian deaths.
Bill Clinton went on to receive $104.9 million dollars for speeches. That is all the evidence I need to know she and he are crooks
Clinton had taken the then (she thought) politically expedient decision to vote in favor of the Iraq invasion.
The Libyan people loved Gaddafi. Obama and Hillary Clinton bombed Libya without a declaration of war, yet the Libyan people loved Gaddafi and they hated extremist Muslims, as did Gaddafi. In addition to bombing Libya, MI6 and Turkey sent Muslim /Arab extremist were to Libya to destroy the peace and prevent Gaddafi from establishing a banking system based on gold for Libya and its African neighbors. The Libyan National Army is now winning against those bad boys. The Libyan National Army was always loyal to Gaddafi. They did this even after 9/11 the CIA renditioned detainees for torture to Libya or maybe just passed thru Libya in flights to other nations for torture.
On foreign policy Sec/State Clinton backed the coup makers in Honduras.
Oct 18, 2019: The State Department has completed its internal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of private email and found violations by 38 people, some of whom may face disciplinary action. The department began the investigation in 2016 after declaring 22 emails from Clinton’s private server to be “top secret.”
The department said it found a total of 588 violations involving information then or now deemed to be classified but could not assign fault in 497 cases.
The report concluded “that the use of a private email system to conduct official business added an increased degree of risk of compromise as a private system lacks the network monitoring and intrusion detection capabilities of State Department networks.”
The Justice Department’s inspector general said FBI specialists did not find evidence that the server had been hacked, with one forensics agent saying he felt “fairly confident that there wasn’t an intrusion.” [login to see] a2cf5385c28d?fbclid=IwAR28jOVlDG4Oa81SKAWEw6m9L64vNLywFQFhMWqVv_fzUshz6WZ7uh0GPFE
She and Bill Clinton are guilty of trafficking in cocaine and launder money with the CIA in order to illegally fund the Contras 86 pages. And Hillary had to Know.
Send me an email at [login to see] and I will reply with books for free
or For sale at Amazon Kindle books (then search for the titles)
According to former National Security Agency officer Bill Binney, the DNC computer was not hacked by Russians, rather someone physically downloaded the documents onto a thumb drive. He also believes the intelligence community has not told the truth about what happened. Binney said there is a possibility that the NSA itself hacked the Democratic National Committee's emails and gave the files to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
NSA trace route packets are embedded in hundreds of switchers around the world, and that email messages are easily traced. If it was a hack, Binney reveals, the NSA would know who the sender and recipients of the data are, thanks to mass internet surveillance programs. The intelligence apparatus does not depend on “circumstantial evidence,” as has been reported.
Binney said, “The evidence that should be there is absent; otherwise, it would surely be brought forward, since this could be done without any danger to sources and methods,” the letter stated. “Thus, we conclude that the emails were leaked by an insider – as was the case with Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Such an insider could be anyone in a government department or agency with access to NSA databases, or perhaps someone within the DNC.” [login to see] 48568197-nsa-whistleblower-binney-cia-lying-russia/
Pay to play by Sec/State Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton had to sign a document when she was read onto TS/SCI/SAP, Gama access.
She and her aides were warned of the punishment for not following NSA directives in transmitting TS/SCI or SAP national security information. They had to sign a non-disclosure agreement after this briefing about what they could say or not say about the Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) compartments to which they were read-on to. I used to do the briefings for soldiers within the Army.
Eight top secret passages and 37 secret passages - that passed through Clinton's private server suggested criminality. And FBI document said, “The sheer volume of information that was properly classified as Secret at the time it was discussed on email supports an inference that the participants were grossly negligent in their handling of that information."
The server and cell phone use by Hillary was not a mistake, it was criminal negligence and intent is not an element of this crime and with regard to classified top secret/special access program information, everyone else would be in jail for ten years and $10,000 fine.
NSA still has a copy of the 30,000 email Hillary or her aides destroyed.
Hillary Clinton got a $142 million dollars into her foundation from a Russian Company. This company bought 20 percent of the US production of uranium and is being shipped to Russia.
Hillary Clinton voted for the war against Iraq, she sent the CIA into Syria resulting in 500,000 civilian deaths.
Bill Clinton went on to receive $104.9 million dollars for speeches. That is all the evidence I need to know she and he are crooks
Clinton had taken the then (she thought) politically expedient decision to vote in favor of the Iraq invasion.
The Libyan people loved Gaddafi. Obama and Hillary Clinton bombed Libya without a declaration of war, yet the Libyan people loved Gaddafi and they hated extremist Muslims, as did Gaddafi. In addition to bombing Libya, MI6 and Turkey sent Muslim /Arab extremist were to Libya to destroy the peace and prevent Gaddafi from establishing a banking system based on gold for Libya and its African neighbors. The Libyan National Army is now winning against those bad boys. The Libyan National Army was always loyal to Gaddafi. They did this even after 9/11 the CIA renditioned detainees for torture to Libya or maybe just passed thru Libya in flights to other nations for torture.
On foreign policy Sec/State Clinton backed the coup makers in Honduras.
Oct 18, 2019: The State Department has completed its internal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of private email and found violations by 38 people, some of whom may face disciplinary action. The department began the investigation in 2016 after declaring 22 emails from Clinton’s private server to be “top secret.”
The department said it found a total of 588 violations involving information then or now deemed to be classified but could not assign fault in 497 cases.
The report concluded “that the use of a private email system to conduct official business added an increased degree of risk of compromise as a private system lacks the network monitoring and intrusion detection capabilities of State Department networks.”
The Justice Department’s inspector general said FBI specialists did not find evidence that the server had been hacked, with one forensics agent saying he felt “fairly confident that there wasn’t an intrusion.” [login to see] a2cf5385c28d?fbclid=IwAR28jOVlDG4Oa81SKAWEw6m9L64vNLywFQFhMWqVv_fzUshz6WZ7uh0GPFE

NSA Veteran Bill Binney: The Public Is Being Lied To About Russia Election Meddling
Does it really sound that far-fetched to anyone that this would be taking place?
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