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Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
1SG (Join to see) Long Past Due for Us to Address Fascism "American Style".
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SSgt Owner/Operator
How about we get serious about ALL terrorism.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
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Are you going to ask a doctor to care for your stage 3 cancer or your high blood pressure. Both are ailments that should be cared for but are they equal? Right wing terrorism as of right now is our highest threat and should be treated as such.
Col Jim Harmon
Col Jim Harmon
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1SG (Join to see) - This statement does not coincide with the data in the FBI's UCI. I've been working in support of local and regional Joint LE Task Teams on and off since 1995, and I can tell you that at the field level this isn't the focus, nor are these right wing groups considered a primary, or secondary, threat.
Traditional right wing extremist groups (KKK, American Nazi Party, Aryan Nation, et al), are so paranoid at being labeled 'terrorists' they have been turning in their own members if they perceive them to be too radical or violent.
What you have repeated here is a political opposition talking point that began under the Obama Administration. The statements are usually released from a DHS HQ level career political appointee. The statement is designed as an Alinsky style tactic to fix right wing groups in place, and label them in such a manner as to paint them as violent. If you press for details on how this data was derived, you'll find a loose conglomeration of crime data where organized criminal organizations, gang members, and lunatic lone wolfs are all credited as being 'right wing' with no clear connection between their political beliefs, and their criminal activity. It is the same trick they use to claim most mass shooters are white males. You can make that claim if you remove all gang related mass shootings from the data set. If you include ALL data for mass shootings, you'll find roughly 65% of mass shootings are conducted by men of color. The only true nugget in that statement is that most mass shooters are men. In short, there is a whole lot of smoke and mirrors being used to attribute this violence to right wing groups.
The definition of a 'right wing group' is then expanded to cover any right leaning organization that doesn't agree with the current political direction (as we have now seen Catholics and evangelical Christians included in DoD definition of extremist groups). This treatment is continued until all right wing groups are considered violent, and thus their targeting (politically, criminally, economically, and politically) is justified and supported by the masses.
Classic communist playbook stuff. Old Saul is smiling up from hell at how well his playbook is being used these days.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
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1SG (Join to see) - The unwillingness to look at FACTS and instead depend on talking points is THE MAIN enemy today. Also what Col Jim Harmon said directly above. Facts!

Do you know how the founder of the Pet Rock became a millionaire?
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
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cool! Only 19 years out of date! Probably not at all influenced by the 9/11 "incident" that happened just months before. And nothing to do with Al-Qaeda being extreme right-wing. Nope - nothing.

Except of course to compare mostly centrist conservatives to terrorists of the far right.
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SFC Collection Manager
I'm pretty sure left wing terrorism and terrorist groups such as Antifa and BLM are way more dangerous to society as a whole.
SFC Collection Manager
SFC (Join to see)
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1SG (Join to see) fake threats where nothing happe s but BLM and Antifa are actually out destroying, killing, looting and vandalizing. Its just not PC to speak the truth
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
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SFC (Join to see) - Ok. We will have to just agree to disagree then.
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