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Responses: 7
SFC Michael Hasbun
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
>1 y
I still cannot believe that people allowed that to happen.. or seem to just accept that SCOTUS made something a "Constitutional Right" that is not even part of the Constitution in any manner. The Founders would be so angry at what the Republic has become.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Say no to what? Ignore what part of the oath - what "unconstitutional" edicts are you talking about?

I see nothing unconstitutional discussed. Gun control doesn't mean "take all guns away from people." I know you conservatives love that boogeyman but it's not real.

Where did he say he would abolish the 2A? The President has no authority to "abolish" any amendment. That's not how amendments are changed or removed.

Do you know why there haven't been many shootings? For the last year, there were all these restrictions in place, businesses were closed, etc. Now that things are opening back up there are now more people in stores and more people gathering than there has been in the last year.

You all are ridiculous to act like this never happened under Trump with gun violence or the border. And the "collapse" of his "mental incapacity?" What does that even mean? I'm pretty sure those words contradict each other but you're trying to say he's incompetent. He's not. If you sat there for four years and listened to Trump make up words, mispronounce simple words, all he could say coherently was 'fake news" and how he was the best - the list goes on - and not see him having some kind of diminishing mental capacity there's no point in trying to have a logical discussion.

The ignorance is freaking astounding with you people. It really is. Just mind boggling. The only trolls on here are the crazy Qanon, Trumpublican, Newsmax loving followers who can't ever source anything legitimate for their arguments. Smh.
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
>1 y
Do you know what the word "BAN" means? Can you explain how that fits into LITERAL Constitutional text, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"? Let us know because I would love for you to explain that...

AND how come you are not so adamant about MENTAL HEALTH, which IS the problem.. 150 MILLION people own firearms in this country and have for 240 YEARS. Double that are out there if not triple for the number of guns in homes.

Yet those like you want to punish the law abiding instead of dealing with the ACTUAL PROBLEM. MENTAL HEALTH.. The left decades ago, got rid of the mental health hospitals and asylums... The LEFT's skewed idiocy is part of this problem.. and it's why the left IGNORES this question every time it is brought up.. The LEFT KNOWS they caused this crisis in mental health but are too stupid to admit it and too embarrassed to accept it.

You want to talk about fixing things.. Then stop obfuscating the REAL issue by making guns to be the issue when it is MENTAL HEALTH that is the issue.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
PO1 Todd B. - Where did anyone say ban ALL guns? No one. Do you really think if the founders showed up today that they would be on board with people using assault weapons? FFS they would be amazed this experiment of a country lasted this long.

Mental health is A problem - not THE problem with gun violence. Gun violence isn't just mass shootings. Domestic violence - a lot of people killed in domestic violence there's guns involved. That's not mental health related but it's an issue.

I'm not going to engage further because it's quite clear you have one mentality on it and that's all you believe. So have a GREAT DAY!
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Seriously? That's your reply, "where did they say ban all guns"? Guess what? I ONLY OWN a few AR-15's now. Which means I WOULD BE BANNED from having, using, selling or buying others. Look up the word BAN.

And you completely IGNORED what I asked you. Explain to me how "BAN", whether it is ONE type weapon or all of them, fits into the WRITTEN CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT where is CLEARLY STATES, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". It does NOT say, "shall only be infringed if it is a scary looking rifle called an AR-15 or if it can hold more than one bullet or if it can be fired by anyone"

And anyone with even a small amount of working brain cells and common sense, knows once you ban something, that leads into even more actions. Want proof? You are on it.. it's called the internet. And right now the left is banning books, companies, job positions and more because of SPEECH that is also protected under the Constitution.

So stop playing games. You want to debate on the merits, then give your argument.. Stop playing word games and trying to twist this into something you think makes sense.
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SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
Well when it comes to the 2nd Amendment I'm generally considered to be very Far Right on this issue.

You are getting bent out of shape and giving the left what they need to win. Now the Congress is free to pass whatever law they want and the President is free to sign, not sign or Veto said Bill/s. It then is up to the Courts to pass on whether said Bill or Bills are Constitutional. Thats our system. Now you are free to lobby your reps on any issue for or against but please do it in a professional manner as 2nd Amendment supporters have been acting like idiots recently which hurts our cause and strengthens the lefts.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
PO1 Todd B. -
"Those of you on the far left?" I'm not leftist or rightist - not Dem or Repub. So I didn't do anything and "decades ago" I was a child and had nothing to do with any of the things you mentioned. At all. Ever.

It is about guns. 100% about guns. It's about how the US has this weird obsession with guns and people who get a hard on having an arsenal or displaying it in the background in videos to try to "intimidate" people who disagree. No other developed country has the issues with gun violence we have.

"GuNs Do NoT KiLl PeOpLe KiLl." Keep that tired diatribe going if it makes you feel better. People use guns to kill though. The type of weapon used is extremely influential on determining if a victim of an assault lives or dies.

53 years ago law professor Franklin Zimring demonstrated that "serious knife assaults are similar to shootings in many respects, including apparent determination to kill or injure the victim, yet the gun assaults had a much higher “case fatality rate.”"

1972, Zimring followed with an analysis comparing attacks with different types of guns. Once again, he demonstrated that nonfatal and fatal shootings were similar with respect to the circumstances and observed characteristics of the victims and assailants. He further found that the likelihood of death increased sharply with the caliber of the shooter’s firearm, as would be expected if the intrinsic power and lethality of the weapon mattered. He also concluded that there was a large random component to the outcome of gun assaults and that firearm caliber was a systematic factor influencing whether the victim lived or died.

The 1972 study was replicated in 2018: https://www.theregreview.org/2018/11/05/braga-cook-guns-do-kill-people/

No one is saying revoke the 2A. FFS. Do you not notice how the founders specifically put first "to form a well regulated militia" before "right to bear arms?" They feared a standing army more than anything else and had hoped to depend on a militia. That was the primary motivation of the 2A. Not only that, they had stricter gun control than we do today. Only certain people could own guns. Even in what people call the "Wild West" had more strict gun control than we do.

Why is it conservatives go to thing "iF yOu DoN'T liKe It HeRe, LeAvE!" Do you not hear how stupid you are when you say that? I mean seriously. And "move to Iran, China or the UK, AUS or NZ?" Very odd combination of countries you chose there.

The ignorance of some of you is just so exhausting.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
PO1 Todd B. -

"Those of you on the far left?" I'm not leftist or rightist - not Dem or Repub. So I didn't do anything and "decades ago" I was a child and had nothing to do with any of the things you mentioned. At all. Ever.

It is about guns. 100% about guns. It's about how the US has this weird obsession with guns and people who get a hard on having an arsenal or displaying it in the background in videos to try to "intimidate" people who disagree. No other developed country has the issues with gun violence we have.

"GuNs Do NoT KiLl PeOpLe KiLl." Keep that tired diatribe going if it makes you feel better. People use guns to kill though. The type of weapon used is extremely influential on determining if a victim of an assault lives or dies.

53 years ago law professor Franklin Zimring demonstrated that "serious knife assaults are similar to shootings in many respects, including apparent determination to kill or injure the victim, yet the gun assaults had a much higher “case fatality rate.”"

1972, Zimring followed with an analysis comparing attacks with different types of guns. Once again, he demonstrated that nonfatal and fatal shootings were similar with respect to the circumstances and observed characteristics of the victims and assailants. He further found that the likelihood of death increased sharply with the caliber of the shooter’s firearm, as would be expected if the intrinsic power and lethality of the weapon mattered. He also concluded that there was a large random component to the outcome of gun assaults and that firearm caliber was a systematic factor influencing whether the victim lived or died.

The 1972 study was replicated in 2018: https://www.theregreview.org/2018/11/05/braga-cook-guns-do-kill-people/

No one is saying revoke the 2A. FFS. Do you not notice how the founders specifically put first "to form a well regulated militia" before "right to bear arms?" They feared a standing army more than anything else and had hoped to depend on a militia. That was the primary motivation of the 2A. Not only that, they had stricter gun control than we do today. Only certain people could own guns. Even in what people call the "Wild West" had more strict gun control than we do.

Why is it conservatives go to thing "iF yOu DoN'T liKe It HeRe, LeAvE!" Do you not hear how stupid you are when you say that? I mean seriously. And "move to Iran, China or the UK, AUS or NZ?" Very odd combination of countries you chose there.

The ignorance of some of you is just so exhausting.
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Let me ask you a very SIMPLE question and let's see if you actually answer it: What does "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" mean?

Oh and PEOPLE kill people. Guns don't. Your little study there is so full of holes and such a crock of bullshit, it ain't funny.. it's truly sad. 1972... 50 YEARS ago... LOL that's hilarious...

If I give you a gun, you literally are going to tell me that it will kill someone if you point the thing at someone and just stand there? Or that maybe your guns have legs and hands and can get themselves to and pull their own trigger? Please explain to ALL of us here how you pointing a gun at someone is going to kill them without TWO MAJOR pieces of what I said? How is that weapon going to do that? Unless: 1) YOU pull the trigger knowingly AND 2) you actually LOAD THE DAMN THING? Which again TAKES A HUMAN BEING TO DO.

What about drunk drivers who kill 10x more people a year than any gun does in this country? Do you demand we abolish cars and trucks? What about drugs out of Mexico? Where is your anger over that? How about abortion and those millions of murders? Perhaps we should make food outlawed too? After all cancer and heart disease LEAD THE CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE USA by 1000x more than guns even come close to doing PER THE CDC's own data.

But no.. you don't want facts, you don't want to debate on the facts or the merits. You want your little tantrum about big bad guns.. What I wonder is WHAT THE FUCK did you serve in the US Military for if you are so against firearms in responsible hands? After all EVERY SOLDIER, SAILOR, AIRMAN etc is a CITIZEN SOLDIER. Or are you saying we don't count because we happen to wear a uniform which somehow makes us "better" than others?

LOL you really expect people to take you seriously with that post? LOL that is literally laughable.. You link some so called "study" done by who the fuck knows in 1972, nearly FIFTY YEARS AGO? BUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

But I will tell you what.. YOU give up most of your 1st Amendment Rights or perhaps your 4th Amendment Rights... no how about your 5th Amendment Rights? or 10th? And when you do, I will give up my 2nd Amendment Rights.

Are you really that clueless as to think one Amendment is less important than another? That because YOU don't agree with a certain RIGHT of the people, that WE should freely give up OUR RIGHTS but you should not have to be concerned with losing YOUR rights?

You truly are a fool if you believe that shit.
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - "Freedom isn't unlimited. It's not a pass to do or say whatever we want." and that is right there, the problem. Freedom IS UNLIMITED. It IS a pass to do or say whatever we want. AND THE FREE WILL TO MAKE THOSE CHOICES.

THAT is what's wrong with you and those that think like you.. Somehow YOU seem to think you have the right to DICTATE to me how I shall live MY life, the choices I MAKE and the words I SAY.. Well guess what, on all that... KISS MY ASS.

Society has a right to pass laws to keep society from turning into a free for all. Society DOES NOT have the right to DICTATE the choices people have or make, only the ramifications of those PERSONAL CHOICES. Get that threw your thick head. YOU DO NOT DECIDE ANYTHING FOR ME.

And the moment you think you can, is the moment I will take up arms per my Second Amendment and FREE WILL and FREEDOM to choose my options and fight against such tyranny as you propose. And mark my words, 80% in this country would do the same.

You tyrants and liberals MAY think you are in control and you may be the loudest bully on the block.. The reason that is, is because you can't control us and thus you think screaming and blathering the same bullshit over and over is somehow going to change our minds and convince us your delusion is somehow the way of things.

but you would be wrong, way wrong and sadly at some point what I do fear is you will test that for real and when that happens, the shock to you will be more profound than you can possibly imagine as the PEOPLE tell you to fuck off literally.
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