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Responses: 10
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
In my view this is way overdue, perhaps 50 years or so... The visitations by extraterrestrials has been ongoing for centuries, but manifested itself in the 1960's and onward... The technological changes being seen are amazing and could only be done by intelligent beings far more sophisticated than we are... Assuming for a moment that these are real (and I believe they are) then the first question is where are they from... THe likelihood is that they are not from our solar system, but outside of it in another solar system which is part of the Milky Way Galaxy... Okay then...

The nearest star system is the Alpha Centauri system of which Proxima Centauri B is by far the closest exoplanet and if the extraterrestrials are from there, then these intelligent beings have overcome the speed of light...as it would normally take 4.3 light years to travel from the Alpha Centauri system... But maybe they are not from the Milky Ways millions of galaxies, what then? The distances become insurmountable unless they are from a parallel universe in another dimension...and can slip in and out of our 3 dimensional plane at will... but then, are they friend or are they foe? If they are a foe, they can certainly destroy us at will...

Okay, so everyone thinks I am an idiot for thinking this way... I believe that if one hasn't yet thought this through, then they must be the lame ones... We are but a spec of dust in the outskirts of our own solar system and smaller than a virus cell is to us on Earth... The reality, in my view is that we are being visited and watched by an unknown, as yet, intelligent species and they have not attacked Earth, so they probably are explorers checking our planet and its inhabitants... Perhaps we can learn something, if we do not get crazy enough to attack them, which would be ridiculous...

It's great to let one's mind survey all the possibilities and form opinions... Thanks for sharing, Sgt (Join to see)!
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
PO2 David Dunlap - I think that's going a bit over the top, and the J & J vaccine is not based on the same base point as Pfizer and Moderna... It is based on older approved vaccine technology...
PO3 Kenneth Suvanto
PO3 Kenneth Suvanto
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) - Sir Kerry Sir, The J&J vaccine is in essence doing the same thing as the other two are...it still messes with your genes...I don't know enough about biology to say anything intelligent however, my daughter is educating me, if that can even be done. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Sincerely, Ken
PO3 Kenneth Suvanto
PO3 Kenneth Suvanto
>1 y
PO2 David Dunlap - Yes Sir David, I've heard that as well and don't trust them with a vaccine that should only be used for emergency.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
[~1665475:PO3 Kenneth Think the all important vaccine a precursor to the Mark?
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Sgt Print Journalist
AB Edward Mondini
AB Edward Mondini
>1 y
I’d like to see what’s hidden away in the sprawling Bigelow Aerospace buildings just outside Las Vegas, which reportedly have hidden away actual captured artifacts from recovered extraterrestrial spacecraft. Because it’s a private company, it’s protected from disclosure by FOIA.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
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AB Edward Mondini - That’d be great to find out. Need some whistleblowers...
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PO1 John Johnson
Edited >1 y ago
Speaking of visits from Extraterrestrials, why is it that when they do visit, which seems to be quite frequently if we can believe everything we hear, they always visit Joe Bob, Bobby Joe or Thelma Lou out in East Back of Your Ass, Arkansas ? The Law of Averages state that once, just once, they're gonna have to touchdown in Central Park in NYC where Joe SixPack and his wife Karen are gonna make the evening news!
SGT Tiffanie G.
SGT Tiffanie G.
>1 y
To answer the original question. Most reports are seeing "lights". How many lights do you see in the sky if you are standing in Central Park? Basically, more things like lights can be seen in the country, with less light pollution. Second reason, if you were a poacher, would you be more likely to go hunt at the zoo or a dog park or out in the wilderness where your activities will be more hidden?
SGT Tiffanie G.
SGT Tiffanie G.
>1 y
PO2 David Dunlap - Lol! True...But you are seeing stars (And celestial objects and maybe even UAPs!) instead of city lights. That is why we love the countryside!
PO3 Kenneth Suvanto
PO3 Kenneth Suvanto
>1 y
PO2 David Dunlap - I'll message Ya, Sir David...
PO1 John Johnson
PO1 John Johnson
>1 y
SGT Tiffanie G. - Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I'm not talking about "seeing lights", I'm talking about the reports of actual person to person(?) encounters!
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