Posted on Mar 21, 2021
Some Troops See Capitol Riot, BLM Protests as Similar Threats, Top Enlisted Leader Says
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
This is another turd Trump dumped. What was BLM's cause? The cause was reducing the disproportioned violence against blacks in police custody. That was a legitimate grievance. However, Trump in his infinite stupidity called people seeking equality terrorists. He called Mexicans criminals, drug dealers, and rapists. Puerto Ricans dirty and poor. Offended Asians by calling it the COVID Kung Flu. He called black movement members terrorists. Not only was he stupid, narcissistic, incompetent president but he was also a racist. He should have never said those things out loud and acted like a racist man at a BBQ instead of being the moral leader of this country.
It is common knowledge that the far right and right wing extremists are far more dangerous than BLM and Antifa.
Trump frequently accuses the far-left of inciting violence, yet right-wing extremists have killed...
Counter-terrorism expert Seth Jones, who helped create the dataset, told The Guardian: "Left-wing violence has not been a major terrorism threat."
Best line-
"While those TV personalities are exercising the right to free speech troops have fought for, he said, "make sure that you're well-educated and don't be an automatic mouthpiece for something unless you understand the issue.""
"While those TV personalities are exercising the right to free speech troops have fought for, he said, "make sure that you're well-educated and don't be an automatic mouthpiece for something unless you understand the issue.""
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