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Responses: 2
1SG Steven Imerman
I have been mentally debating pointing this out for the last couple of days, but had no stats. My Korean wife and her friends have had ZERO attacks on them in the last year, physical or verbal, and we are in the Ozarks, tied with Appalachia as the most white area in the US. However, their friends and relatives living in other areas talk constantly about themselves or people they know being mugged or attacked, usually by black perpetrators. This was all anecdotal, it is even more discouraging to see the statistics back this up.

My advice to Asians wanting to avoid being attacked? Move to a red county. That horseshit is endemic only in blue counties.
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
It is not just in "blue counties". Here is an old article from March 2020 about an Asian-American experiencing an incident of harassment while living in a rural conservative area of Minnesota

1SG Steven Imerman
1SG Steven Imerman
>1 y
LTC Eugene Chu - This was in Minnesota, and I have to admit that my wife received the only three racial slights she has ever gotten in Minnesota, two of them in rural settings. Minnesota is weird, even the rural people seem petty and mean. Conversely, she has never had a problem in many, many visit to Iowa (all in small towns), or Missouri where we have lived for 13 years. We were only in Minnesota for 4 years.
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LTC Eugene Chu
"Ultimately, there is a failure to remember what got America to this place of racial hierarchies and lingering Black-Asian tensions: white supremacy. White supremacy is what created segregation, policing, and scarcity of resources in low-income neighborhoods, as well as the creation of the “model minority” myth — all of which has driven a wedge between Black and Asian communities."

SFC Randy Hellenbrand
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
>1 y
Lots of trumpkins here sir. Don't give in to them.
1SG Steven Imerman
1SG Steven Imerman
>1 y
SSG Robert Perrotto Using stats from the article-
Percent of assaults committed against Asians by non-Asians
By Latinos: 9%
By others/unknown: 19%
By whites: 32%
By blacks: 37%
Whites are 64% of the population yet committing 32% of the assaults. This is not the white supremacy problem it is being presented as, unless you actually believe blacks are simple hapless dupes controlled by some hidden council of evil white racist masterminds. (Is there a James Bond movie in this?)
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
SFC Randy Hellenbrand - There is a difference between "Trumpkins", and people who see the statistics, and what those statistics clearly and irrefutably state. This is why the hard left try to present statistics, and evidence are tools of the oppressors, they want to dupe the people into disbelieving empirical evidence.

In a way, Major Chu is correct, there IS a portion of the white community who are desperately trying to create racial hierarchies, and that is the left with Identity politics, grievance studies, and critical race theory. It reinforces the immutable characteristics of Americans, and pits those differences against each other to sow discord and strife within the populace, while the political elites, the decades long politicians, can manipulate our republic, free from true interference. The Capital riot put the fear of God into all of them, that , for a brief moment, they finally realized that they hold those seats through the will of the people, not a mere vote, and that the will of the people can, at any time, unseat them. That is why the capital was a militarized zone.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - the Vox article is some guys opinion!
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