Posted on Mar 12, 2021
First Military Women of Color Exhibit Opens at Women
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 2
There will be a very particular brand that will be upset by this. I like it.
1SG (Join to see)
SSG Robert Perrotto - It's not retribution. It's about equal representation. Those that have had representation for so long may not be able to see it from the other side.
SSG Robert Perrotto
1SG (Join to see) - You also failed to read my statement about individual achievements beyond their peers. here is the relevant line and quote from my original post to you: "If you want to celebrate and honor individual servicewomen for achievements that separate them from their peers, I can understand a separate exhibit."
SSG Robert Perrotto
1SG (Join to see) - so - equal representation of diversity requires a separate exhibit excluding a particular participant due to not being a POC, instead of just including everyone. That is counterproductive, and creates the illusion these women are being celebrated not because of their accomplishment, but because of their race. It puts the racial aspect first and foremost, above their service connected accomplishments. How does that create harmony and equality?
If you want to really look at this through the lens of critical race theory, you would see this for what it is, a subtle form of segregation. That these women require a separate exhibit for accomplishing what their White peers accomplished, thus placing an emphasis upon their race and ethnicity.
If you want to really look at this through the lens of critical race theory, you would see this for what it is, a subtle form of segregation. That these women require a separate exhibit for accomplishing what their White peers accomplished, thus placing an emphasis upon their race and ethnicity.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - first - I am not upset by this - I am offering an opinion on why I believe this was not the correct way to go about celebrating diversity, and how making distinctions based on immutable traits and characteristics fosters separatism, division, and racism. You are correct, majority of the museum highlighted ARE white women, segregating an exhibit solely for WoC, instead of just adding more WoC to the main exhibits, presents an appearance of that we are celebrating not these SM's accomplishments, but the fact that WoC's did what is merely expected from white women.
Until we as a society get past, and stop making distinctions, separating, and focusing on what makes us different, the societal problems facing our country will never cease.
But of course, you two would insinuate and attack me personally, instead of the merit of my argument. That any dissenting opinion or viewpoint to this would mean "This upsets a particular brand". Which particular brand would this upset 1SG Gomez? And why would a differing opinion to go about celebrating diversity where everyone is included fall into that brand of person?
Each of your arguments boil down to "Because historically, minorities were excluded", which is just a mask for retribution. News flash, this still focuses on racial separation.
Until we as a society get past, and stop making distinctions, separating, and focusing on what makes us different, the societal problems facing our country will never cease.
But of course, you two would insinuate and attack me personally, instead of the merit of my argument. That any dissenting opinion or viewpoint to this would mean "This upsets a particular brand". Which particular brand would this upset 1SG Gomez? And why would a differing opinion to go about celebrating diversity where everyone is included fall into that brand of person?
Each of your arguments boil down to "Because historically, minorities were excluded", which is just a mask for retribution. News flash, this still focuses on racial separation.
I think this was the wrong way to go about this. It still presents a level of separation based solely on skin color. It perpetuates stereotypes, and exclusive divides. These servicemembers are women, the pigment of their skin should be irrelevant. Instead of a separate exhibit, they should just be presented with no aplomb, among all other women in the museum. Until we, as a society, get past making distinctions based on skin color, racism, exclusion, and friction will continue to plague our country.
To better illustrate my point:
A Black woman, White woman, Asian woman, Latino woman, Pacific Islander woman all served, all had remarkable accomplishments, The common denominator is the fact they are all women, who should be celebrated and honored without breaking it further down to the exclusion of any woman based on mere skin color, because now you are making exclusions.
To better illustrate my point:
A Black woman, White woman, Asian woman, Latino woman, Pacific Islander woman all served, all had remarkable accomplishments, The common denominator is the fact they are all women, who should be celebrated and honored without breaking it further down to the exclusion of any woman based on mere skin color, because now you are making exclusions.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - so - Like I aid earlier, this is not about diversity or equality, but retribution for past mistakes - got it.
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