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Responses: 6
SSG Samuel Kermon
Thank you sir. It is sad that to many of the top brass are disregarding their oaths.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the video share from YouTube Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth I've got to say this, but it's folks like you that make the Influence Score meaningless with comments like the above. This is going to come out very harsh, intentionally so, because I want you to remember what I am about to say. IFF you're easily offended, STOP READING NOW.

I want to poke you in the eye and get you to realize that what you are doing is promoting yourself at the expense of everyone else's time. You aren't the only one, but I'm singling you out because you truly exemplify how bad the gamesmanship has gotten, and how broken the Influence Score system is. SPC Terry Page missed getting the Trailblazer award by 6 minutes and he lost it to you. Maybe he actually took the time to read what I posted... or maybe not. I have no way to tell because his comment really doesn't say a whole lot either. I HOPE he isn't following your example and that his Thank You was for having the courage to say what others might be thinking but are afraid to say for fear of breaking the rules of political correctness and getting banned. But the shortness of his response seems to indicate that he was trying to beat you to the Trailblazer Award. I have not seen enough of his posts to know if he's attempting to game the system like you clearly are.

I've been reading your comments for several months, maybe years? now and it's just a waste of time reading anything you have to say. You figured out how to game the system and say NOTHING to indicate you actually gave a second's worth of thought to the topics you comment on. Your comments are 99% superficial fluff and you busy yourself jumping on posts to say essentially "Thanks for sharing." with a word or two that indicates you read the subject line. Who cares? Instead of promoting Rallypoint, the kind of activity you engage in serves to encourage people to leave Rallypoint in search of other, more meaningful conversation.

Okay, so you're a nice guy because you say nice things, but you are the proud owner of a Participation Award you did nothing to earn except show up with nothing to say.

The whole point of Rallypoint (as I understand it) is to share experience and knowledge, and engage in conversation that might be of benefit to those actively serving. Posts like yours just waste people's time.

Forget influence score; it's meaningless because of people like you. If you have something to say, say it, else don't waste people's time trying to promote yourself. IF you're going to leave comments, at least have the courtesy of sharing an actual OPINION.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Here's another example of an actual opinion based on your commentary:

Rallypoint would do well to nerf the Trailblazer Award, whose intent was to stimulate conversation, but it's gotten out of hand. Perhaps decreasing the amount of points earned to 1 pt instead of 100 or whatever it is, would reward a first response but not cause people to hang out trying to snatch easy points by being the first to spam with a meaningless response.

And perhaps Rallypoint might consider other ways to separate the true influencers from the true spammers and gamers of the system. One way would be to not give points for creating a list of mentions in the OP's. The mentions would serve to stimulate others to comment, which is a good thing, or maybe even give a thumbs up, which is a cooperative way of gaming the system, which some of our top influencers are exploiting.

I actually do benefit from that as I am on two people's lists, but I appreciate the mentions as a way of drawing my attention to posts, I don't always give a thumb's up in exchange unless I think the post has merit. What people have done with music mentions is likewise gaming and if the Admins wanted to improve things, they could arbitrarily remove influence for posts of this nature that are solely meant to farm influence points.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
Capt Jeff S. Thank you sir for being honest and open .
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CPT Jack Durish
Edited >1 y ago
Never forget that the responsibility for all this madness lies with US, We the People who elected these miscreants. Yes, "We the People, all of us bear the responsibility, even those who didn't vote for him. Before you argue with my assertion, ask yourself: "Did I do all I could to help a different result?" To be perfectly honest, I know I didn't. My cynicism gets in the way of effective action and communication. Americans (including me) need to learn better ways of "making friends and influencing people"...
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
I did everything I could and was in DC on 6 Jan to let Congress know we wanted our voices heard and what we had to say got derailed by the scripted violence and actions of those who mistakenly believed they were doing a good thing by storming the Capitol. We knew that ANTIFA and BLM were there dressed as Trump supporters trying to stir things up and sadly, they succeeded. Go to ANTIFA(dot)com and where does that take you? Those who considered themselves patriots took the bait and got involved in the storming of the Capitol. Security at the Capitol was lax. That much was obvious. As a Marine I tend to look at stuff like that and the way the troops and police were stationed around the Capitol, there were obvious gaps in the coverage. The Democrats were behind the violence and the media focused on the violence [and anything that they could use to pin blame on Trump for what they were doing] rather than the actions of 99% of those present that simply wanted Congress to hear the evidence of election fraud.

When the evidence finally did start to get presented, as soon as the GOP began presenting it, as if on cue, the Democrats created a big ruckus and Congress went into recess. Thanks to the scripted violence a curfew was called for 1800 by the DC mayor and thanks to the ruckus in Congress created by the Democrats, by the time Congress resumed at 2000 nobody was there to protest the bogus Electoral College results and the Swamp rats succeeded in STEALING the General Election. When you have tainted precinct votes and votes coming out of districts that are tainted, their sum can flip States whose Electoral College representatives will cast for the side that cheated. It's a simple case of garbage in, garbage out! For those of you who believe Biden actually won that election, you're ignoring the testimony of 1,000 witnesses and resident experts who also gave their testimony in sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury. I'd like to sell you some swampland in Arizona!

Now that the Establishment has succeeded in determining the outcome of our elections (i.e., STEALING ELECTIONS), what's to prevent them from doing it again? We have a senile President who was hidden away in his basement for most of the campaign and only came out briefly to get softball interviews from the fawning lamestream media that couldn't report anything positive about Trump, getting a record number of votes, many of which came in spikes during the midnight hours when poll watchers weren't observing... FIGURE THE ODDS! And this at a time when Trump was drawing record crowds... Biden should have been answering questions about money laundering through family members and his involvement in Ukrainian corruption! That's just the tip of the iceberg. The press gave him a free pass on Tara Reade, who was Biden's 8th accuser. And what about that slush fund Congress set up where they used taxpayer dollars to hush those coming forth with allegations against members of Congress?!!

I can't say I was as apathetic as you feel you were, but now what is the solution? Your votes no longer matter when the integrity of our elections can't be guaranteed. We are being led around and managed like cattle. Our rights are being stripped away and nobody seems to care... Baaaa! You want our guns? Okay... Wear masks? Ssssure! Does it strike you as odd that Fredo Cuomo was out running around without a mask, that Pelosi was violating her own quarantine rules to get her hair done, etc. And when confronted she tried to blame the shop that she went to for setting her up? Did they call her or did her office call them to set it up?!! Pelosi is a key player in all the corruption, and Obama's been actively involved the last four years trying to overturn the 2016 Election results to stop Trump from destroying his failed legacy! With every success Trump made Obama that much more irrelevant. And history should remember him for the lying, usurping, treasonous POS that he was and STILL is. Who do you think is pulling Biden's strings? PC be damned, RP folks can downvote me all they want, but it's not going to stop me from telling the TRUTH!

COVID was just an excuse to destroy our economy. The nation dealt with the Swine Flu from Jan 2009 - Aug 2010 and we didn't do any kind of quarantine or destroy the economy for that. I can't say for certain whether or not COVID was planned but the Democratic response to it was no accident. The Democrats couldn't beat Trump on the economy so they destroyed it and now they're taking our money and giving us back a small portion. You'd have to be a fool to think that the money you're receiving is a gift from the government. We're paying for it. $27 Trillion and counting... The debt is going up so fast it won't be long before our country is insolvent. And that's what happens to every country that was stupid enough to embrace Socialism.

Don't for a minute think our leaders care about your welfare. The ONLY thing they care about is staying in power and they'll promise the moon and say anything to keep you from questioning their legitimacy.

As I see it, the current Administration is NOT LEGIT. And the fact that they have barbed wire and troops guarding Congress is proof they know they're not legit! If they were doing their jobs they wouldn't fear the people! They KNOW that they disenfranchised 75+ million voters and they're AFRAID! And they're just waiting for us to forget everything like it never happened.

Don't ever forget what they did! Assuming we have any semblance of fair elections left in this country it's time to send Congress a clear message -- one that they can't ignore. YOU'RE FIRED and YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE TO ANSWER FOR YOUR CRIMES! If we can't vote them out, we'll have to exercise our 2nd Amendment Rights and I hope and pray that our military is on the side of the people. If not, this country is screwed.

Congress can do nothing without the backing of the military. What happened to our best and brightest leaders?!! Have they been neutered? ??!!
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