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Responses: 3
MSG Stan Hutchison
The headline seems to be a bit misleading. The recommendation was not for NG troops to be patrolling the streets or setting up check points or anything else, other than being on stand by.
As long as we have the exisiting threat from domestic terrorist we need such a force, but it should clearly defined guidelines.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
How is it misleading? The Task Force report calls for a permanent force of on-call Active Guard Soldiers - either by rotating guard units or creating a new Battalion within the DC Guard - specifically for the use of reacting to events within DC and and protecting the city.

That is EXACTLY what the headline says.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
SFC Casey O'Mally - But one must read the article to see that the recommendation is for "on-call" or stand by, not actually out patrolling the streets. You and I understand the difference, but I doubt the average American citizen does.
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SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
Yep armed military presence on American streets. Will they be requisitioning peoples homes for their billets? The United States of America doesn't need them, DSameriKa does.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Just a HORRIBLE horrible idea. If the Task Force feels that additional protection is needed - and needed on a permanent basis - then the solution is more law enforcement options. Whether that is bulking up Capitol Police, DC Metro, Secret Service, US Marshals, FBI, or other law enforcement agency, providing slush funds for overtime if existing law enforcement has to be activated in a QRF capacity, creating LE task forces, or just improving LE efficiency is an acceptable debate. But calling for the intentional and permanent activation of Soldiers in a law enforcement capacity is simply not acceptable.
LCpl Jim Pleace
LCpl Jim Pleace
>1 y
That was my only concern is that who does what? The State is responsible for the National Guard, who decides who protects Congress? If Capitol Police then they fell on their cardboard swords
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