Posted on Mar 7, 2021
Antifa Didn't Storm The Capitol. Just Ask The Rioters.
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
SFC Casey O'Mally
CW3 Dick McManus - So... to be clear. You believe that summary execution without trial is a fitting punishment for an unarmed person who is breaking and entering. And FURTHER, you are HAPPY that an unarmed veteran was shot and killed by police for breaking and entering. Is that an accurate summation?
Just so we are clear on your stance.
Just so we are clear on your stance.
CPL Earl Kochis
I’m not trying to fight but media hase been running a particular agenda of false claims. Also top brass in tge government have been pushing an Americans last agenda as well as trying to end run around the Constitution. It’s really made me angry when people are taking what they are saying at face value instead of researching and looking for the official evidence. The evidence doesn’t meet the agenda. I took an oath that to this day i will follow it was to tge Republic of tge United States of America, her People and to the Constitution of the United States. Not to the President or politicians or military leaders that violate the first half of that oath.CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
SFC Casey O'Mally - I am saying when assholes break into the Capital building where Congress people and Senators are, that is threatening them, and yes deadly force is authorized.
CW3 Dick McManus
CPL Earl Kochis - The main stream media is not always correct (given it is owned by the super rich), but for Trumpster to say Biden did not win the election that was wrong. Jan. 6th assholes were too stupid to understand Trumpster is a lying sociopath. Our elections have been becoming more and more honest as paper receipts can be inspected by the voters when using voting machines. And by collecting these paper receipts so they can be recounted in case the election totals are close.
We live in a dynastic oligarchy made up of some 47 super rich kings and some 130 billionaire princes who rule for the most part and own the main stream news media. The June 2020 homeless count found 66,400 people living on the streets, in a shelter, or in their cars and in LA, up 12.7 percent.
The richest one tenth of one percent of Americans own 17% of stocks
The richest 1% own 50% of stocks
The bottom 50% own 0.7% of stocks
From 1979 to 2019:
• wages for the top 0.1% grew more than twice as fastThe top 1.0% saw their wages grow by 160.3%; and
• In contrast, those in the bottom 90% had annual wages grow by 26.0% .
If worker compensation had kept up with productivity gains since 1968, the current minimum wage would be more than $24.00 an hour.
Read my book, Operation Mockingbird for more about our so-call free press. Go to my Rally Point profile and send me a message. I will reply with my email address. Next send me an email. I will reply with one or two of my books attached for free.
or For sale at Amazon Kindle books (then search for the titles)
We are in a war on science.
We live in a dynastic oligarchy made up of some 47 super rich kings and some 130 billionaire princes who rule for the most part and own the main stream news media. The June 2020 homeless count found 66,400 people living on the streets, in a shelter, or in their cars and in LA, up 12.7 percent.
The richest one tenth of one percent of Americans own 17% of stocks
The richest 1% own 50% of stocks
The bottom 50% own 0.7% of stocks
From 1979 to 2019:
• wages for the top 0.1% grew more than twice as fastThe top 1.0% saw their wages grow by 160.3%; and
• In contrast, those in the bottom 90% had annual wages grow by 26.0% .
If worker compensation had kept up with productivity gains since 1968, the current minimum wage would be more than $24.00 an hour.
Read my book, Operation Mockingbird for more about our so-call free press. Go to my Rally Point profile and send me a message. I will reply with my email address. Next send me an email. I will reply with one or two of my books attached for free.
or For sale at Amazon Kindle books (then search for the titles)
We are in a war on science.
"More than 1 in 10 specifically mentioned antifa by name regarding Jan. 6 at some point before, during or after the riot, according to court documents. They spoke of antifa to law enforcement but also in text messages, on Facebook, Twitter and Parler, and to some of the people who ultimately turned them in to the FBI."
So... when we "just ask the rioters" over 10% specifically named ANTIFA as being present. Which proves they weren't there. Because... logic.
Additionally... if this WERE a false flag event (and I am not saying it is, just looking at the logic involved), then those who were ANTIFA and planted to stir things up and/or make them worse would, OF COURSE, deny being ANTIFA claim whatever false flag they were trying to implicate.
Again, I am not trying to claim this WAS a false flag operation. But asking the rioters who they are affiliated with does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to debunk any false flag accusations. Especially when over 10% DO claim that those false flag operatives were present.
(Now... the FBI has said there is no evidence, and I have no problem believing them. That is really all that needs to be said - this whole "just ask the rioters" piece is absolute nonsense in the light of the FBI's statements. Just NPR trying to provide more spin.)
"More than 1 in 10 specifically mentioned antifa by name regarding Jan. 6 at some point before, during or after the riot, according to court documents. They spoke of antifa to law enforcement but also in text messages, on Facebook, Twitter and Parler, and to some of the people who ultimately turned them in to the FBI."
So... when we "just ask the rioters" over 10% specifically named ANTIFA as being present. Which proves they weren't there. Because... logic.
Additionally... if this WERE a false flag event (and I am not saying it is, just looking at the logic involved), then those who were ANTIFA and planted to stir things up and/or make them worse would, OF COURSE, deny being ANTIFA claim whatever false flag they were trying to implicate.
Again, I am not trying to claim this WAS a false flag operation. But asking the rioters who they are affiliated with does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to debunk any false flag accusations. Especially when over 10% DO claim that those false flag operatives were present.
(Now... the FBI has said there is no evidence, and I have no problem believing them. That is really all that needs to be said - this whole "just ask the rioters" piece is absolute nonsense in the light of the FBI's statements. Just NPR trying to provide more spin.)
False there have been multiple arrests and the only weapons charge was linked to an antifa member!
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