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Responses: 8
SGT Edward Wilcox
The Republicans have been trying for years to suppress the vote. Their constant mistake is targeting those parts of the electorate that typically vote Democratic, and making such targeting so obvious.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Of course they have. The only way they can win an election to to prevent others from voting. Jim Crowe at its best. Fact is Republicans want to Rule not govern
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
The Republicans have been trying for years to *secure* the vote. Their constant mistake is targeting those parts of the electorate that typically vote *illegally or without valid proof of eligibility*, and making such targeting obvious.

There. I fixed it for you.

(Not, if you want to go ahead and admit that "illegally or without valid proof of eligibility" is synonymous with "Democratic" then I may allow that sentence to stand.)
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
>1 y
SFC Casey O'Mally - You didn't fix anything. Give me proof that anyone voted illegally. How is requiring ID, then shutting down all but 2 offices in an entire state where that ID can be secured, "securing the vote"? How is passing legislation that is targeted at a single demographic "securing the vote"? No state allows anyone to vote who is not on the voting rolls. Yes, some register on the same day as voting, but they have to provide proof of citizenship and residency to register, just like everyone else.

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SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
SGT Edward Wilcox - Here is an in depth report from the Brennan center. The Brennan center, while non-partisan, leans left, but it mostly centrist.


You can see here that voter fraud DOES exist. No serious person discussing this topic ever denies the reality of voter fraud. What is denied (and proven) time and time again, is that voter fraud is not so PREVALENT that it will swing a national election.

Show me a legislation that is targeted at a single demographic OTHER than the demographics of "dead" or "no longer in the jurisdiction."

As far as proof, 19 different states don't require the signature on a mail-in ballot to match one on file - and no proof of identity is required to obtain a mail-in ballot either. The election officials simply assume you are who you say you are. Is election fraud in this manner highly unlikely? Yes. It is completely possible. Also, yes.

The question is far less about registration than it is about updating voter rolls and assuring that the people casting the votes are the same ones who registered. I will READILY admit that this is far less of an issue than most Republicans make it out to be. All I ask is that you also admit that it IS an issue, however small.

(Additionally, individual voter fraud is a VERY minor issue. Fraud and malfeasance at the institutional/election official level is a MUCH greater threat. I am NOT alleging that this is currently happening or that it happened in 2020. But I AM concerned about the fragility of this, and what APPEARS to me to be a lack of checks and balances. Poll watchers go a long way, but they don't go all the way. I, personally, believe that the focus on the individual voter rather than the system is severely misplaced. I will also admit that I am NOT an expert or even close.)
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LTC David Brown
Edited >1 y ago
Accountability in elections is not suppression. I read an article where 79% of the votes in aDemocratic primary were fraudulent. The judge has thrown out the election and ordered a new election. Is that voter suppression?
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
SSgt Addison R. -Let us review, I lie with no example. My posts are shit. I am destroying RP. Not one counter argument or presentation of a supporting article and you castigate me . Was the election I presented Fraudulent? Were 78% of ballots illegally cast? So where is my lie? As election laws are loosen so are the opportunities for fraud. I have successfully navigated the world in the military sector,the civilian sector etc. I think I am well acquainted with the real world, are you? By the way, that is another ab hominem attack.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
SSgt Addison R. - You clearly don’t understand ad hominem attacks. It is an appeal against the person not the argument. So calling me childish is what? Saying my arguments are shit, I lie with ZERO supporting evidence. Each one of those is an appeal against me and not my argument. https://m.theepochtimes.com/judge-orders-new-election-after-78-percent-mail-in-ballots-found-invalid-notary-arrested-for-voter-fraud_3720930.html
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
SSgt Addison R. - That is a purely BS statement. I usually document my positions. So exactly what did I lie about?
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
Please. I am bored with your chronic attacks. Serious question, do you have a life? I have just posted two articles both documented. One was about our early maternal grand mother. The image was supposed to dispel male dominance, yet our closest living primate relatives, chimpanzees live in a male dominated culture. I document Jane Goodall’s work.
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PO3 Wayne Showalter
Yup that’s right, take as many days as you want to vote and no troublesome ID’s and also take as much time as you need to count the votes.......BS!!
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
>1 y
What's wrong with allowing voting over several days or weeks? What's wrong with taking time to count the votes? Wouldn't that mean the vote is more accurate, rather than rushing to get it done? Why does the election have to be on a weekday, during business hours? Couldn't we move it to the weekend? Please explain your opposition to making voting easier and more accessible to all voters.
PO2 Bill Reardon
PO2 Bill Reardon
>1 y
Early voting works for everyone so how does that hurt people
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