Posted on Mar 3, 2021
D.C. National Guard chief: Pentagon dragged its feet on Jan. 6 backup
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
Just so you all know, no matter when the Mayor of DC wants to activate the DC National Guard, The Secretary of the Army is the one who says they can go. Now you are truthfully informed. Just remember who appointed the Secretary of the Army that was serving on Jan. 6th. This is one reason why DC should be a state.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Mayor of DC have Pentagon approval 3 days before this happened? If the approval was already given, why were they waiting to get approval again? They should have been in front of the Capitol Building on the morning of, not waiting to load buses from someplace else.
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
You are wrong. 2 days and then the DOD had to approve the request. Remember, big difference between a mayor and a governor. This is one of the reasons DC should be a state!! The rest is now GOP insurrectionist history.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SFC Randy Hellenbrand - Yep, I was a day off. Here is the approval memo. Says a lot, don't it.
MAJ Byron Oyler
SFC Randy Hellenbrand - You are ok with the Federal Government being on a state's land and being influenced by that state?
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