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Responses: 6
SFC Michael Hasbun
If there's one thing this country can't afford, it's less educators.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
I don’t agree with the premise of this article: “The demands that are put on them are off the charts.”, “After nearly a full year of either putting themselves at risk in a classroom or struggling to reach students remotely, many now say they may change careers or simply quit.”

I have been speaking with my grandchildren’s teachers and agree they are being asked to do too much. This hybrid model where some come to class and some stay home is too much. In my mind it needs to be one or the other. We can’t be catering to fear of people who are afraid to go back to school full time when the science has told us from last year that our children need to be back at school. The schools that went back full time have shown no super spread events. The rational for not going back to school full time is just not there; it’s not rational, it’s just playing on people’s fears. That’s not my opinion, that’s a fact.

That teachers will quit over doing their jobs (my granddaughter works checkout in a grocery store), I say let them quit and be damned. There are 10 teachers waiting for a teaching position for every one teacher that is employed. Teachers are no more essential that any other essential worked, and I am of the mind that all workers are essential. MHO
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
The science hasn't "told us from last year that our children need to be back at school."
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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The CDC had guidelines in place for reopening schools identified in this "USA" Jul 9, 2020 article that means the guidance for plans the guidance was out some time before this. I was active in meeting with my school board in developing a “Health and Safety Plan” in July of 2020 that all schools at the time needed to be working on to get their children back to school in autumn 2020. A “pandemic coordinator” and “pandemic team” were positions that needed to be established by each school district set forth in the CDC guidelines at this time. So yes, the science told us in the first half of last year to get our children back to school. My granddaughters school district was sone of many in our region that were successful in getting children back to school last autumn. That didn’t happen my magic, it was hard work.

You trying to say “The science hasn't "told us from last year that our children need to be back at school."” is inaccurate and shows you are just carrying water for the powerful teacher’s unions. That you would say such an inaccurate statement and have an entourage vote you up so quickly shows people not following CDC guidelines and/or just not taking the time to read guidelines, basically just getting your news from ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN and other such Liberal medias. Good luck with that. They are always a day late and a dollar short.
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2020/07/09/cdc-coronavirus-guidelines-glee-actress-naya-rivera-trump-taxes-thursdays-news/ [login to see] /
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - the guidelines also laid out what needed to happen, and which Trump opposed. And they didn't state that our children "needed" to be back in school. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2020/07/09/cdc-coronavirus-school-reopening-guidelines-what-trump-wants-changed/ [login to see] /
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CW3 Kevin Storm
My sister, God love her, is going through hell in her school district. Somebody make Mr. Microsoft do the things he proposed for teachers. That SOB should be stripped of every cent he and his fools wanted for the country! Add COVID on top of this, and every teacher is going through hell.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes they are going through hell. The responsibility to come up with back to school plans was laid at the feet of school districts last year. Many didn't do well for a variety of reasons.
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