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Responses: 3
MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
I have said it and I will say it again. Trump's scorched earth leadership has significantly increased the hate in this country. The US voted in a Toxic president that made the country toxic. Donald Jr., who is stupidity personified, still spews his drivel of election fraud and to keep fighting. Don't accept the election results with grace. I wish those assholes will STFU so the country could move forward.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
CW3 Dick McManus He has condemned the KKK time and time again and they even made the comparison of how democrats edited prior interviews with president trump and they purposely edited out stuff.

We still have weird fanatics that would protest has crazy christians saying to people going to funerals that the reason your son died in Iraq is because you allowed gays in the military. You will always have a fringe element but president trump does not endorse them even though the democrats and others say he does.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
I can't read it.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I'm sure that the families of Daniel Underwood and Damon Gutzwiller would have something to say about your support of the right-wing extremists on the west coast.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
CW3 Dick McManus - you're wasting your time with LTC (Join to see), he's a supporter of the extreme right wing, along the John Birch Society line of propaganda. He claims to be a descendant of Hispanic immigrants, but is against immigration and for the mistreatment of immigrants, is married to a Canadian First Nations member, but is against honoring with American Indians if it affects his income, wants to impeach VP Harris for her exercising her Constitutional rights, wants to imprison people without bail and trial, and so on.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the share from USA today shipmate PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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SP5 Nuclear Weapons Specialist
I had to look up the exact definition of nationalism. This is what I found from the Meriam/Webster dictionary.

Definition of nationalism
1: loyalty and devotion to a nation
especially : a sense of national consciousness (see CONSCIOUSNESS sense 1c) exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational (Transcending National Boundaries) groups.

I suppose by definition I am a white nationalist, simply because I am Caucasian. The article in a manner associated "White Nationalism" with "White Terrorism". I have a problem with that. It almost seems like they want to demonize "Nationalism". As to using Christian symbols I believe that would be covered by the 1ST Amendment.
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
You are confusing patriotism and nationalism. The issue is not about love for country. The issue is about belief in superiority of traditional culture to the point of shunning minorities and promoting isolationism

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