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Responses: 2
MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
I have been saying this for 4 years. Trump has used his scorched earth policy and increased hatred in this country for political purposes. Trump was a toxic leader and president and many of his followers follow in his image. He had no presidential timber in him and will go down as the worst president. Instead of building consensus he wanted hate. 73 million voted for a liar, thief, cheat, and incompetent idiot.

He acted like a third world dictator as he told his groupies that the election was stolen. That tells me he does not care about laws, constitution, or the institution of democracy. He only cares about power. What did he do with that power other than incite violence?

He said he would reduce the deficit. Not done.
He said he would show his tax info. Not done.
He started a trade war. Not finished.
He built 400 miles of wall taken from the DOD.
He fvcked up the pandemic response. Then he said the cases metrics is a badge of honor. Who says that?
He called BLM whose ideology was justice in police custody terrorists.
He failed to execute the budget properly.
He turned the GOP into a sack of shit bunch of liars.
Capt Gregory Prickett
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Not true.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
What's not true?
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The insurrection. Watch the original videos. They show the capital police opening the doors and waving them in. It was a setup. When Elon Musk bought Twitter he said he would release the real videos. There are over 40 thousand hours of videos that tell a different story. Just like the Kennedy assassination. On the videos of the Lincoln pulling into parkland hospital emergency room. There is a young man about 4 years old in the video, I know him. He started a man in an over coat have him a hundred dollar bill to clean the blood off the trunk of the Lincoln. Meet the sheriff too he has a different story about it as well. Point is media lies. Which leads me to another question, if one man owns appropriately 80 percent of the news media and a government agency has their thumb on him, why all the fake news ? I have had experiences of my own with fake news about events that I was there when enemy happened but the news painted a while different story.
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Capt Gregory Prickett so unless you where actually there the only thing you have to rely on is fake media. Wait till all the videos come out. But now they're trying to say it should all be classified because of national security. What happened to all the evidence of the Kennedy assassination ? It was all classified for 50 years. Then when the documents where released finally, there was a black magic marker used on most of it, why.
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Capt Gregory Prickett similar to Biden saying or southern border is secure, have you been there ? You will get a different story from people that live there. Go all some border county sheriff's that deal with it and see what they say. Why all the lies ? Only time deception is involved the truth is being covered up. Why ?

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