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Responses: 2
CPT Jack Durish
Who broke the oath? I'm fascinated by the concept of oaths. They raise many questions. What is their true significance? What are the consequences of violating/breaking them? We all took oaths, but few paid any attention. I administered many oaths of re-enlistees and attempted to pace them and look directly into the faces of those taking the oath, to ensure that they were duly impressed with the gravity of taking an oath (at least to impart to them that I was taking their oath seriously). As a student of law, we studied perjury but never mentioned the oath. Could a person be convicted of perjury if they testified falsely without taking an oath? Time an again we see elected officials being prosecuted but I have never heard of any prosecution for breaking an oath. Is there such a thing? And now we see this video slickly inferring that those who voted to acquit President Trump in his impeachment (either one) are in violation of their oaths? Isn't that a matter of opinion? Obviously, CPT Prickett believes so. (Maybe he doesn't, but I hold responsible people for the things they post or share, even though they didn't create them.) Even more obviously (because I state it here without reservation) that I believe those who vote to impeach and those who voted to convict President Trump were in violation of their oaths. Having listened to the evidence and viewed actual videos of the events that gave rise to this impeachment, including videos of President Trump speaking to his supporters, Capitol police waving the mob inside, peaceful demonstrators attempting to stop the miscreants from committing crimes during the demonstrations, and learning now that CNN and NBC paid known Antifa activists to "get video" of wrong doing (how better to insure the CNN and NBC get their money's worth by staging such evidence); I can't help but come to the conclusion that this impeachment was not only ridiculous (holding a trial to remove a man from office after he had already left office), but also pure political theater. Well, there you have it, CPT Prickett, you may now pronounce me a fool (as you always do) without rebutting anything I've written...
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
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What type of filters do you use? The attempted Coup was broadcast live as it happened for all around the world and here to watch. You need to wake up to the fact you are constantly being fed misinformation from the Right wing propaganda media.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
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SGT (Join to see) - Notice that I didn't say I saw any of this on the news. I watched raw footage posted by citizens who were there. Now, you may watch Left-wing media, I don't know. You may watch broadcast news (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, all the rest), I don't know. I occasionally watch news from all types of sources, even Al Jerreza, because I believe in the old adage, never turn your back on the SOB's. And, even when I am attacked for my views or the sources I view, I try my damnedest to not reciprocate. However, there are those few, such as yourself, who simply appear that you can't help yourselves. Even then, I ignore the insult and continue the march...
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
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SGT (Join to see) - Jack often reads words that are not there.
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Col Joseph Lenertz
Lincoln Project is disgraceful and should be shut down.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
Why, because they disagree with you? They are allowed to do so, under the Constitution.
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