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CW3 Dick McManus
Where is the demand to prosecute those in charge including the Trumpster for kidnapping kids from their parents who illegally entered the US?

Representative Herrera Beutler said House Minority Leader Kevin: McCarthy had told her that when he reached Trump by phone as the Capitol was breached and McCarthy "asked him to publicly and forcefully call off the riot." Trump rebuffed his request by saying, “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.’”

She was one of the ten GOP members of the US House who voted to impeach the former president for his role in the Jan. 6 riot,

Judge says Justice Department cannot defend Trump in E. Jean Carroll rape defamation suit Oct 27, 2020:

26 incidents of "unwanted sexual contact" by the Trumpster and 43 instances of inappropriate behavior were detailed in the book, All the President's Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator. https://www.businessinsider.com/women-accused-trump-sexual-misconduct-list-2017-12?fbclid=IwAR1h75H0hHZhlxGb4eDzmCOf4wYDB2svhBJ-PfPkoXoHm3JRiNiDGPjhmNc#jessica-leeds-1

Former White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, has told friends that President Donald Trump "is the most flawed person" he's ever known. Trump can't stand to hear the Truth! He lies, steals & cheats! He has 2000+ court cases awaiting him as a defendant! His dishonesty is the transactional nature of every relationship.

Michael Flynn Re-emerges Pushing QAnon

He has swapped a government job and an obsessive focus on “radical Islamic terrorism” for selling QAnon-branded T-shirts and a new media partnership with conspiracy theorists called Digital Soldiers. ith Mr. Trump now in his post-presidency at Mar-a-Lago, a loose coalition that draws together militia members and conspiracy theorists along with evangelical Christians. Mr. Flynn continue to push false claims of how a deep-state cabal stole the election. [login to see]

People out there talk about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done,” Mr. Flynn said. He noted that the military had taken over for civilian authorities dozens of times in American history, though he did not mention that it had never done so to help decide an election.

Then came 2016, and the sight of a retired general leading chants for the imprisonment of Hillary Clinton, a former senator and secretary of state. (In January, he was among those banned from Twitter with Mr. Trump.)

There are the T-shirts and other merchandise, which he is selling through a company called Shirt Show USA. The website features shirts emblazoned with #FightLikeAFlynn and camo trucker hats with the emblem “WWG1WGA,” a reference to a popular QAnon motto, “Where we go one, we go all.”

Then there is his new media venture, Digital Soldiers, which will publish reader-submitted stories. Mr. Flynn is building it with UncoverDC, a website that has pushed QAnon and conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 pandemic and President Biden.
The tenor of Digital Soldiers is unmistakably QAnon, a movement centered on the claim that Mr. Trump, secretly aided by the military, was elected to smash a cabal of Democrats, international financiers and deep-state bureaucrats who worship Satan and abuse children.

“Digital Soldiers from all over the world have stepped up to fill the void where real journalism once stood,” the website says. This past summer, Mr. Flynn posted a video of himself taking QAnon’s “digital soldier” oath. Michael Flynn Re-emerges Pushing QAnon, Stolen 2020 Election Lies (msn.com)

Resolution to prosecute Donald Trump for an accessory to a pandemic - 2nd degree murder or voluntary manslaughter.

WHEREAS Trump was briefed at least by January 30, 2020 that Covid-19 was super contagious as is smallpox and plague,

WHEREAS on Jan. 30, 2020 Trump said “We think we have it very well under control and;
Feb. 24: “The coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.”
March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”
March 15: “It's something that we have tremendous control over.”
March 25: “Many states don’t have a problem.”
Apirl 4: “People need to go to baseball games, get America working again,”

WHEREAS all of the evidence we had in February 2020 indicates that travel restrictions and quarantines were unlikely to keep the virus out of our borders because this virus was spreading too quickly and too silently, and our surveillance was too limited for us to truly know which countries have active transmission,

WHEREAS Trump told Americans 22 times the Corona virus would go away,

WHEREAS in late September 2020, Trump claimed that the virus would "go away without the vaccine" because people would develop "herd mentality” (he meant herd immunity),

WHEREAS in August 2020 Trump appointed Dr. Scott Atlas to the coronavirus task force, whereupon Scott, who had no infectious disease training said, “Concern about the pandemic is overblown, the death rate is exaggerated, COVID-19 testing is overrated, K-12 school closures and economic lockdowns do more harm than good,” and called upon the citizens of Michigan to “rise up” in opposition to COVID-19 control measures,

WHEREAS Trump in February 2020 accused Democrats of “politicizing” the corona virus during a campaign rally claiming that the outbreak is “their new hoax,” accusing the press of being in “hysteria mode”, and downplaying the severity by comparing the number of fatalities during an average flu season,

WHEREAS what Trump claimed the formerly responsible news agencies to “fake news,”

WHEREAS Trump’s packed rallies may have led to 700 COVID-19 related deaths and 30,000 additional coronavirus cases,

WHEREAS on Jan. 2021 the total US deaths was 393,928 from Covid-19, and 13,975,036 have gotten sick from it,

WHEREAS on Feb. 2021 the total US deaths was +1,342 more than January and 27,686,809 have gotten sick from it,

WHEREAS on about January 4, 2021 via Twitter, Trump called the national coronavirus death toll tallied by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “fake news,”

WHEREAS at the time of ratification of the US Constitution, the phrase high crimes and misdemeanors thus appears understood to have applied to uniquely political offenses, or misdeeds committed by public officials against the state, "and the misconduct of public men (woman) from the abuse or violation of some public trust," (Source: Federalist Papers: No 65, wrote former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton),

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we demand Trump be prosecuted for and/or held liable for acts of gross negligence and reckless disregard for human life amounting to being an accessory to a pandemic - 2nd degree murder or voluntary manslaughter.
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AN Ron Wright
gonna pretty tough in court to make the entering and remaining in a restricted building when the videos are shown of police opening the doors and escorting them into the building
SGM Robert Murray
SGM Robert Murray
>1 y
. . .and the police can EASILY say they were attempting to de-escalate the situation without having to resort to physical restraint. I would agree with them. If I'm telling to leave by the most PASSIVE WAY POSSIBLE but NOT obstructing you. . .YOU ARE GUILTY. <that means, don't turn around but follow this route to get out> Period. If there appears to be "conflicting information," err on the side of caution and LEAVE IMMEDIATELY! Also, ignorance of the law IS NOT a defense to prosecution, so arrest, hire and lawyer and let the judicial system decide. PERIOD. Good luck.
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