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Responses: 1
SSgt Clare May
The choice of words uttered by Acting Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee, is...disturbing.

Specifically...“took their own lives in the aftermath of that battle.” That as well as the introduction penning the words "violent insurrection"...

The subtle messages, by the ACTING Chief, and author, is... that this protest was a war, That this was a battle, (the battle lost, or was it won?), and the battle has been associated with Ex President Trump and his supporters who are, or maybe, registered to a different pollical party than whoever is sitting at the forefront of ACTING Chief Contee's mindset.

This "ACTING" Police Chief's word selection is far from unbiased. It is slanted, and reminds me as a far left emotional knee jerk response... that it was solely political in nature... and word selection used was used as yet another example of what subliminal messaging can do to alter the past by political movements.

This is what should have been written...IMHO;

"During a January 6th, 2021 protest, which became violent encouraged by a specific number of protesters, A police officer was murdered, 5 civilians were murdered, and now 2 police officers have purportedly committed suicide in the protest's aftermath. These two police officer recent suicides have been associated with that protest by (____________) ---name the person or organization responsible for this association---. The homicide investigations of both police and civilians remains an on going criminal investigation and once concluded, the Chief may give a response".

Absent any conclusion... the following may be a form of alternative wording... "The homicide investigation of those deaths has reached a conclusion through a complete bipartisan and independent investigation concluding those deaths were justified"... and this Chief better dang well use independent investigation resources at his disposal.

Depending on Circumstances... Perhaps this can be used as well:
"The murder investigation has been referred for prosecution"... " To prevent any witness or jury misleading and to insure a fair trail by those involved no further comments will be made".

Or even "...Officer Smith and Liebengood's deaths were found to be accidental related to other untreated or unknown mental health issues beyond the scope of Chief Contee. Our hearts go out to all survivors of this tragic event."

Controlling the flow of information with words, changes the course of reactions...
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