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Responses: 6
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
"The Trump administration planned to get the vaccines developed and then send them to locations chosen by states. States wrote their own plans, and they were responsible for setting up places to get vaccines into Americans’ arms.

The Trump administration’s approach was flawed, experts said, because it failed to adequately communicate about the anticipated number of doses and the rollout.

The Biden administration plans more federal involvement in getting vaccines into arms, including setting up 100 FEMA sites nationwide."


Basically 45's plan was to depend on the states. That was their plan - but it had holes such as failure to communicate with the states and cities about the rollout and inadequate funding for distribution.

"The main challenge that states now face is they only know how many doses they are getting a few days in advance. Most state officials have said they could deliver double or triple the number of shots if they had a larger supply."

Biden's plan relies more on the federal government: "President Joe Biden announced a series of measures on Tuesday aimed at ramping up coronavirus vaccine allocation and distribution, including the purchase of 200 million more vaccine doses and increased distribution to states by millions of doses next week.

With those additional doses, Biden said there would be enough to fully vaccinate 300 million Americans -- nearly the entire US population -- by the end of summer or early fall."
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PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
All political not about covid. Presidents don't have plans or do they need. Their people get an make plans for them.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Well if Trump did not have a plan then Biden is inheriting no plan.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
The irony is Biden complained during the election that “Trump had no plan”. Actually Trump had a plan, got two vaccines in record time and distributed the vaccines very rapidly. Biden clearly stated he had a plan when Trump didn’t, now he is calling foul because supposedly there was nothing there which is an obvious lie AND clearly Biden has no plan!
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
LTC David Brown - Trump had near to no plan for the pandemic. He was too focused on lying about the pandemic. In light of this, I would not be surprised if Trump had no plan for the distribution of the vaccine.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
Actually Trump’s distribution was about 10% short of Biden’s 100 million in 100 days. States got politically correct, minorities should get vaccine first etc. States sat on money for distribution etc. Some how this is Trump’s fault.
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