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Responses: 1
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel what could have been a large show of "for the people, by the people" got rowdy like a bar fight with far more serious consequences. What a horrible shame for people who never thought they would become criminals.
PO2 Harold Ashton
PO2 Harold Ashton
>1 y
If you think that's bad...

Black Vets Weren't Surprised Military Members Stormed the Capitol. Now They Want the Department of Defense to Root Out Far-Right Extremism in Its Ranks

It came as little shock when the identity of nearly one-fifth of those apprehended for the siege on the Capitol earlier this month was revealed to be both present and former members of the military. The country watched in horror as images of white mobs dawning military-grade equipment and racist paraphernalia stormed a session of Congress as it sought to certify the 2020 election. Many of those leading the insurrection at the behest of Donald Trump were veterans whose radicalization had long-been forewarned, and whose loyalties had officially shifted.

https://www.theroot.com/black-vets-werent-surprised-military-members-stormed-th [login to see]
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