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Responses: 3
MSG Stan Hutchison
Every President since Harry Truman has faced the dilemma of withdrawing from a conflict. None wish to appear weak, but also do not want to see a continuation of casualties.

Far too often we are quick to get in, without a viable plan to get out.
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CPT Jack Durish
We have overstayed our "welcome"
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MSG Greg Kelly
We lost again I think understand a little how the Vietnam guys feel, When Obama had our guys pack up and leave Iraq I was crushed we fought and bleed for nothing. And now its going to happen in Afghanistan because we stayed there to dam long with no clear objective. I will again feel anger towards politicians and Staff officers who cannot get their shit together.
LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
>1 y
For years we went on with nothing but a short term focus and plan - ignoring that it was not our fight to win - but was ours to lose. And we did not come up with a long term plan on how to end it -- and then laid claim that we where there to stop AQ and IS from re-establishing there -- even after they had - and they were focused somewhere else! And we resourced it for these last 8 years not to do what we had planned... but just not to lose. Failure of our senior ranks leaders.. yes - and a failure that none will pay for -- until history catches up with them as it always does. But that will not help knowing that AQ and the Taliban defeated us.
LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
>1 y
Top -- that nailed it completely !
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