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Responses: 15
SGM Operations Sergeant Major
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SFC Melvin Brandenburg
As an NCO I swore a lot less than when I was junior enlisted. However, if my joes heard me swear, they knew it was pain management time. I was going to bring the pain. I rarely swore but when I did, it was effective.
SGT Brad Baier
SGT Brad Baier
>1 y
I have a mouth like a Sailor when I hurt myself or get injured.
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
>1 y
SGT Brad Baier - It's tempting for sure
SGT Brad Baier
SGT Brad Baier
>1 y
SFC Melvin Brandenburg - I worked with an old Wild Cat Rough Neck growing up in Kansas. He went to church 3 time a week and cussed like no other I ever met. I do let my words fly when I get mad. Usually at myself for doing something really stupid and I know better than to do it.
SGT Brad Baier
SGT Brad Baier
>1 y
I'd be locked up in Leavenworth for my temper in todays new more Politically Correct Army.

Funny story, I was jumping on a 4 foot long cheater bar, that was an aluminum camo pole, with another trooper trying to break loose a lug nut on a 5 ton dump truck wheel. Some smart ass walked and asked what the hell we were doing. In the future I'll look before speaking. I popped off WTF does it look like we're doing? As I turned with frustration and a shocked look on my face. "SIR". Not smart to say that to a Major. He chewed my Ass for a bit and I explained why we were using the camo pole. He still didn't get it.
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SR Kenneth Beck
I recall a substitute teacher in my eight-grade class taking attendance, asked where’s “Billy”. A quick-thinking classmate replied he’s at the creek taking a leak. When the laughter subsided, he slowly looked at us and said, an “educated person does not use profanity unless they want to express a point”. There will be no more points expressed in this class.
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