Posted on Jan 25, 2021
Trump ‘wants to set up ‘MAGA party’ to challenge Republicans who voted to impeach him’
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 2
Different circumstances but sounds familiar.....,_1912),_1912)
A divided Republican party has no chance to win. But a party that doesn't respect a President who has accomplished more for our country than most during these trying times. Fighting to fund the rebuilding of the defense department. Raising wages for all of our servicemen and women across the board. And for holding the VA accountable witch lead to faster and better services for all Vets. Yes, he pissed Ppl off, and I'm glad he did. By doing things that should have been done decades ago. Like getting the members of the U.N. to start paying their fair share of the expenses to run the Dam thing. For stating to the U.N. that he is the President of America and not the President of the world and would be putting our nation's needs first. Getting the USA out of bad trade deals and making trade deals witch put us on a level playing field. Allowing big businesses to bring money back into our country and, in doing so, brought manufacturing back to America. Something Obama said he'd need a Magic-wand for. PS he had one common sense was his magic wand. After 8 years of incompetence, he got the stock market to soar witch put everyone's retirement funds solidly in the GREEN! Then getting four Muslim countries, putting his name forward for the Nobile Peace prize. For getting them to normalize relation with Isreal. Yep, so he just might be impeached 2 times. The first one was based on lies and hate Russia, Russia, Russia, and so is this attempt. Accountability In Government goes for every member of the Government. When a Citizen can be held accountable for lying to Congress, why do Congressmen get a pass on lying not only to Congress but to the American Ppl? Wasn't Shurmer lying when he repeatedly said he had the facts that Trump colluded with Russia? Ppls hate for Trump shouldn't blind them to the truth. P.S. didn't Obama say the fight with Is Is would be a generational war when he ( PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP ) let the commanders on the ground handle it took less than four months to remove them from their Calafate. Hate me if you want. Still, can you put up an honest rebuttal to my comment instead of calling me and others like me a racist, deplorable, or a hater? I Love My Country and don't believe it or our Constitution should fundamentally be changed.
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