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Responses: 2
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Hundreds, Hell!!

Every last one of them have to as all of them were complicit!
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
4 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - and many are being charged for unlawful entry. whats the problem?
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
4 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - Christ. It's like you don't live in America, or something
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
4 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - Thankfully - I do not. I live in Italy. far away from all the madness, the benefit of dual citizenship, and a more objective media.
Buena Dominica!
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
4 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - Ah. That explains literally everything
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CPT Lawrence Cable
The problem is that the response to the much more violent (or truly violent) demonstrations at Lafayette Park, with multiple attempts to breach the White House grounds and hundreds of officers injured did not bring this reaction. Anyone not blinded by their politics can see the difference. We had four years of violent demonstrations labeled as "peaceful protests" and now any act from the Conservative side is being demonized as "insurrection", yet the "autonomous areas" formed by Antifa, which actually are insurrectionist, are ignored in the press. The current attack on free expression is even more dangerous. To quote Jefferson "“Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government: When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins."
I try to be a complete realist about politics. The rise of Trump is not about Race or any of the other misinformation repeatedly spewed by the Progressive Press, it was the simple fact at he promised to act on the concerns of that "fly over America" that had been ignored by both sides for decades. Then he actually tried to implement those promises, bringing back manufacturing to the US, a hard stance on trade with China (that just went away with Biden), no new wars ( a huge one for me), and an attempt at a realistic immigration policy. The reason the Left hated him is that he gave a platform that side it was OK to believe in Western values.
The huge danger for the future is that this group will see its self as being shut out of the political process after having gained a foothold in spite of powerful opposition by following the rules. Punish them for participation and restrict their ability to participate at the National Level may push half the country into considering other than Constitutional means. Right now, the great majority of the States have Republican/Conservative governments that are completely opposite of the incoming administration. Don't expect those people to accept being silenced and stepped on again.
The lack of response to the allegations of cheating has done nothing to help convince the "Right" that the election was fair. We spent 4 years investigating the President over a document that the FBI, DNC and almost anyone with brain knew was false from day one, yet multiple "discrepancies" and very odd "Statistical" changes in voting have so far been completely ignored. If one truly was concerned about the future of this country, then all of these allegations would be investigated and at minimum changes made to eliminate the possibility that such events will happen in the future. Tulsi Gabbard had introduced legislation that would have eliminated much of this by requiring electronic voting to have a paper backup. But as my dear, departed Grandfather Cable would have told you, if the rules are such that one can cheat, then someone is cheating.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
4 y
93% of protests last summer were peaceful. 7% were labeled riots. In that 7% protesters were first attacked by police. Or there were outside agitators who were trying to de-legitamize the protests. Very few were straight up riots.

Also not one of them was an attempt to stop a constitutional process or try to execute the VP or members of Congress.

What violence was in Lafayette park? I remember the President having NG bust up a peaceful protest for his stupid photo op.

You definitely aren't a realist about anything.

Barr floated charging sedition on CHOP. But he didn't. That's on him.

Trump only cares about himself. Period. He wanted to stay in office to avoid any criminal and civil prosecution. That's it. He doesn't care about anyone but DJT.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
4 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - yes, I've seen that report. You left out that 633 of the protests turned to riots, 88 percent identified the rioters and BLM. So while your statement is true on the surface, you just excused 633 riots. If you can't see that difference, I'll be happy to point it out.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
4 y
Capt Gregory Prickett I am an old grunt and combat engineer that understands when he is being fed Bullshit, and this is Bullshit. Even as riots go, this one is pretty lame.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
4 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Not in court and I don't play lawyer games. Calling the demonstration in Washington an Insurrection was just an attempt to follow Alinsky, demonize your opponent. This was NOT an insurrection and it was not much of a riot. The Democrats and Progressives have not moral high ground to condemn any of this since they defended the "mostly peaceful" protest that resulted in those 633 riots that the good SFC labeled as only 7% of the protest. So far we have found out that the supposed threats to Pelosi were unfounded, the supposed "Insiders" in the Guard was unfounded, the danger of violent nationwide protest was unfounded, and at least four of the people inside the Capital Building were Antifa and BLM, including Sullivan, the guy that provided much of the video repeated seen on TV. The main focus of the Media has been on Buffalo Man, a man you believes he is an alien, like from Outer Space. Do you really think he was the head of a real insurrection?
What will happen in the next 100 days is the Democrats will through the radicals a few bones, the stupid stuff like gender pronouns, then Biden will go back to being a stooge for the Billionaires, Globalists, Corporatists and other assorted War Mongers, just like every Democrat since Bill Clinton and every Republican accept Reagan and Trump. The money will still be pumped into the richest portion of the population, jobs will go back overseas, we will find new places that need our intervention and Middle America and the Blue Collar and Working Poor will once again get screwed.
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