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Responses: 2
MAJ James Woods
Would rather the headline focused on Israel will make vaccine available to all Palestinians. The article makes it clear but the headline focused on their prisoners.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
4 y
I would rather the same Maj James Woods. However, the article also states "Israel is not providing vaccines to the Palestinian public in the West Bank and Gaza" - third paragraph from the end.
That is still technically occupied territory. And based on agreed upon International law an occupied people must not be victimized. There is a requirement for them to to be adequately provided for by the occupier.
The article only stated that Palestinians who are living in Israel, thus Israeli citizens, are being vaccinated - whether or not to vaccinate that demographic was probably a large part of the debate. Doing so to protect Israeli's was likely the decisive factor.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
4 y
SGT Mary G. My bad. I missed read that part of the article.
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SPC(P) Barrier Supervisor
Glad the article clatified the headline, but just my opinion, if Big Pharma was so insistant on skipping animal trials like they did, they should have at least tried it on inmates before mass global distribution to make sure it was safe. If it works, great if not, well at least all those thousands of people who ended up with strokes, bell's palsy, paralyzations and death would have been prisoners instead of everyday people teying to do right by their families. Still not enough info on these to be deemed "safe" for anyone.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
4 y
I was shocked that Big Pharma asked Navajo folks to participate in trials - truly. The history of our government targeting ethnic and racial minorities in that way is shameful. I haven't seen anything else about who the folks were that were targeted as test populations. One young man here at RallyPoint said he volunteered twice but was not selected, because he isn't out and about enough around other people. I recall reading in the past that inmates are given "opportunity" to volunteer for testing sometimes, but not required or forced to volunteer.
SPC(P) Barrier Supervisor
SPC(P) (Join to see)
4 y
SGT Mary G. thank you for the info
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