Posted on Jan 7, 2021
I’m seeing a lot of anti-American, anti-Donald Trump feeds on here today... its rather shocking...
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 7
The enduring legacy of Trump will be that he was not a politician. He worked for US, and not the other way around. He exposed the absolute hypocrisy of the vast majority of the politicians, and their absolute lack of spines. Politicians will at some point disappoint you because they aren't looking out for you, they are looking out for themselves. Trump showed there is a different way, and a better way, but it certainly is a more difficult way. He got an awful lot accomplished with almost the entirety of the establishment government against him.
Sgt (Join to see)
Exactly. LT Brad McInnis Donald Trump is an astonishing person, actually it’ll be interesting to see what directions he puts his time and energy into now.
LT Brad McInnis
Sgt (Join to see) - The protest actions at the Capital were planned to make Trump "illegitimate" either way things went. It is the same playbook the left has used his whole term.
Thank you my friend Sgt (Join to see) I concur with your assessment about the anti-American, anti-Donald Trump feeds on here today.
Sgt (Join to see)
Oh the things we could say about the injustices toward this president! LTC Stephen F. If history doesn’t accurately record these things, God in Heaven does, and will give just compensation at the correct time.
Sgt (Join to see)
SSG Stephen Rogerson On a positive note, President Trump can channel his goodness and genus to enriching his own life again. Even work behind the scenes politically like Obama has been doing. Lol that’s an interesting idea... SPC Mark Huddleston LTC Stephen F.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
SSG Stephen Rogerson I wholeheartedly concur with you, Mark Steve and Ann!
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