Posted on Dec 26, 2020
Covid-19 Hits the Old Hardest, But the Healthy Longest
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
That is true COVID attacks people differently. It is also a fact that some people will try to mitigate the pandemic with percentages. For those of you who subscribe to this perspective, the US lost 400,000 in WWII. I don't think many Americans said oh that was not a bad war, we only lost .28% of the population.
SPC Cathy Goessman
That .5% fatality rate that everybody likes to crow about is still 1.6 million dead Americans if all 330 million of us get it. And if the 5.4% fatality rate holds for the age 70+ crowd that's 4.9 million dead Americans if all 70+ get it.
I'm not okay with that. Not if we can prevent it.
I'm not okay with that. Not if we can prevent it.
MAJ Ken Landgren
SPC Cathy Goessman - I don't do perctages. 400,000 is just a lot of dead people. I agree. Our pandemic planning was criminal and a lot of blood is on Trumps stupid hands. Those who make excuses for Trump and the administration absolutely know shit about the pandemic planning and mitigation process.
I know some uber fit and healthy individuals who are currently measuring their recovery from Covid in terms of weeks and months. They've never had an illness like this before in their lives. One week pounding out a 12 mile ruck for fun and the next struggling to just walk around their house without overwhelming fatigue.
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