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Responses: 1
MAJ Ken Landgren
The fact of the matter is the Obama and Trump administration conducted a joint pandemic exercise. It is quite obvious that the Trump administration practically blew off everything that transpired in the joint exercise because Trump opened up his big mouth and lied about the threat for weeks. Because Trump lied about the threat, the administration failed to act. They absorbed Trump's posture of do nothing because COVID would miraculously disappear.

Now some Trumpers will say Trump did a fantastic job with the pandemic. I will respond to this by stating shutting down air travel for some is not robust planning. Those who claim that don't know shit. Robust planning is DHS provides leadership of a huge team consisting for federal cabinets, agencies, DOD, NGOs to support states and hospitals with the full power and resources of the federal government. HHS will do concurrent planning and will have the lead for medical matters.

Pence was made the Task Force commander but he virtually did nothing probably because he knew nothing. It is obvious that the Trump administration never cracked open the national disaster and pandemic plans. Trump's response was so pathetic that doctors and nurses had to wash PPEs for weeks. A good indicator in regards to the quality and efficacy of the response is our COVID cases and deaths are 5 times the world average.

That is how Trump and his administration fvcked the US. However Trump had the temerity to brag about the pandemic, the pandemic that will reach 400,000 in a couple months. Why is that threshold meaningful? That is how many Americans died in WWII. There is a lot of blood on Trump's hands.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
Yes we assumed it was a linear problem and now we are finding their are more variables and we don’t understand all the variables and parameters. It took us months to understand to a degree one strain of COVID. I can understand why there is great fear in the scientific community. At this stage we can’t fix the problem because we don’t understand the totality of the problem. The US pandemic plan explicitly states new pathogens will have many unknown variables, and that should have been the strategic message for Americans but it was never communicated thus the public was frustrated. Well damn we thought COVID was figured out now these mutations are will probably scare us more with probably good reasons. I am on my iPhone so sorry for errant text or thoughts. SGT (Join to see)
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