Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Open the Boxes: Testimony at Michigan Election Hearing (29 Years Experience W/Sec. of State)
Dr. Linda Tarver discusses how 71% of Detroit's ballots can NOT be audited and problems that have disenfranchised Michigan voters for decades.
The Rumble vid would not play for me. I went to youtube and found this,
She's all over it.
She's all over it.
Cpl (Join to see)
Thanks, SGT (Join to see)! I was going to post it on both, I'm just moving away from utube and their censorship.
Cpl (Join to see) Thanks for your post - Best stuff coming out of Michigan now, ck this (military conservatives ought to be hot!) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/pure-evil-democrat-operatives-michigan-georgia-tampered-military-ballots-filled-new-ones-100-marked-joe-biden/

PURE EVIL: Democrat Operatives in Michigan and Georgia Tampered with Military Ballots -- Filled...
The Michigan Senate Oversight Committee on Tuesday held a hearing in Lansing on election fraud and irregularities. President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in Michigan on election night when all of a sudden they stopped counting votes. At around 4:30 AM AFTER Election Day, a massive ballot dump of more than 130,000 votes appeared…
Cpl (Join to see)
Any time Sgt (Join to see)! I listened to the whole commitee meeting while I was working. When I got to Dr. Tarver's testimony, I had to share it. At this point, all I can do is hope that the willfully ignorant actually listen.
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