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Responses: 9
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
He doesn't need to concede, he just needs to be out of Biden's house after Biden's inauguration.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
4 y
*The People's House. Well, it used to be considered the People's House anyway.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
4 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff It is the people's house.
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SP5 Dennis Loberger
Edited 4 y ago
The Federal Judge has now thrown out the Pennsylvania case. Both sides will have something to say about this. The Rs will say he was an Obama appointee and the Ds will say his was a Republican Party official in Pennsylvania prior to his serving as a judge. And so it goes....on.....and on.....and on
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
I'm glad He tossed it so quick. The president now has a quicker trip to SCOTUS.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
4 y
CPT Jack Durish - Well let's start with there's no such position as "chairman" of the FEC. He is the chair: "Trainor is the chair of the Federal Election Commission. He is not its "Chief Electoral Officer," as RecentlyHeard.com wrote — that role doesn't exist."

Also - "The Federal Election Commission is tasked with enforcing federal campaign finance laws. Its duties include monitoring restrictions and limits on campaign contributions, and overseeing public funding for presidential campaigns, per USA.Gov."
"The FEC only oversees finances and is one of multiple federal bodies that deals with elections — so it's not accurate to call Trainor the "top boss of all the election officials," or to suggest he supersedes state officials. "

"In reality, elections in the United States are "highly decentralized," and are primarily administered by thousands of state and local systems rather than a single national system, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service."


Also - Trump's own FBI said in Sept that widespread voter fraud is rare and when it happens, it's only at the local level. There has never been widespread voter fraud at the national level. Not only did the FBI say that but so did the DHS cyber chief - and what happened? Trump fired him for speaking the truth as he's fired many for speaking truth.

But yes let's keep spreading flat out misinformation and lies.

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/11/19/fact-check-fec-commissioner-has-no-role-election-integrity/ [login to see] /
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
4 y
"And I can't wait to see your response when you learn that the Chairman of the Federal Election Commission who has looked at the evidence of voter fraud has concluded that it was rampant. "

1. The Federal Election Commission is tasked with enforcing federal campaign finance laws. Not election validity.

2. James Trainor is a Trump puppet.

A little evidence about the Chairman:
In the 2016 Republican primaries, Trainor initially supported Ted Cruz, but later worked for Donald Trump.[2][3] As general counsel to the 2016 Republican National Convention platform committee, Trainor led the party's efforts to stymie last-ditch Never Trump efforts from anti-Trump Republican convention delegates.

After Trump became president, Trainor joined his administration as special assistant to Secretary of Defense James Mattis

On September 14, 2017, Trump nominated Trainor to be a member of the Federal Election Commission
Read more:
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/11/19/fact-check-fec-commissioner-has-no-role-election-integrity/ [login to see] /
SP5 Dennis Loberger
SP5 Dennis Loberger
4 y
CPT Jack Durish - I'm not sure why you commented "I can't wait to see your response when you learn that the Chairman of the Federal Election Commission who has looked at the evidence of voter fraud has concluded that it was rampant." My comment was simply about how both parties would react. One of them has already happened. The Rs have already responded that Judge Brann was an Obama appointee. No mention of the fact that he was a Republican official in Pennsylvania before becoming a judge. Since you brought it up, I saw that Trainor said that. I was not surprised, this has become a pattern. Making a charge without evidence is typical political modus operandi. Precisely what I hate about politics. I believe no charge from a politician or anyone else for that matter, until it is proven. I actually believe in innocent until proven guilty. I don't traffic in rumor and innuendo. Will you be surprised when you discover that the Republican officials are no more likely to tell the truth than the Democrats? That is the difference between you and I, you trust a political party to tell you the truth. I trust neither. 31 lawsuits and 30 have failed. The one successful was that poll watchers could be closer to the people doing the ballot work in Pennsylvania. Trainor needs to start a club with Sidney Powell or they can join QAnon
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SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
He LOST!!! Concede. Try again in 2024....I recommend a smarter Republican candidate but with your cultist constituency that may not be possible.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
4 y
Who lost what? I love all these claims that President Trump isn't smart. Well, how much dumber were all the Presidents of the last 50 years, save Carter, who couldn't broker peace in the Middle East? How much dumber were those who couldn't broker a reasonable trade deal with our neighbors? How much dumber were all those Presidents who couldn't get NATO members to pay their fair share for their own defense? How much dumber were those recent Presidents who tied up our military in futile "nation building" adventures? Or... But of course, I'm wasting my time, aren't I? Let's just stick with my first question: Who lost what?
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SP5 Dennis Loberger
SP5 Dennis Loberger
4 y
CPT Jack Durish - I agree that Trump is in fact quite smart. He deserved the Nobel Peace Prize for the Mid East success. Today, Giuliani admitted there was no widespread fraud in Philadelphia and Detroit and that he may have exaggerated the charges. I would submit that Donald Trump was well aware that he legitimately lost the election but threw up as many barriers as possible out of a desire to make the Dems as miserable as they have made him the last 4 years and to preserve his internal vision as a man who never loses
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