Posted on Nov 12, 2020
Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
His rhetoric is so divisive, but it is transparent. He claimed in the last election with Hillary that it was rigged. When he won, he praised "this thing called the electoral college" that gave him his win. Now the shoe is on the other foot and he has lost the electoral college. However, he doesn't have the grace of Hillary Clinton (I can't believe I am saying this). She conceded almost immediately when she saw the numbers. If the elections are rigged, why are the Senate Republicans getting elected? If I were rigging an election against Trump, I would rig a few Senate elections as well! Lol! I have played many sports and competed in many sport activities and military compititions. I learned to win gracefully and lose with dignity and honor. I wish President Trump would concede gracefully with honor.
CPT Jack Durish
"The grace of Hillary Clinton?" "She conceded almost immediately when she saw the numbers?" Are you kidding? This is irony, right? The woman couldn't even face her supporters let alone the rest of us until he got good and drunk. Then she spent the next three plus years complaining. "I wish President Trump would concede gracefully with honor." Well, we'll just have to wait and see if he does. After all, it ain't over 'til it's over...
CWO2 John Markiewicz
The Electoral College has not yet voted, all we are dealing with at this point is media projections.
SPC Kevin Ford
CWO2 John Markiewicz - Just like we have done for every other election in our lifetimes. We can do math.
SGT (Join to see)
CWO2 John Markiewicz And vote totals from each state and those totals say Biden won and Trump lost.
SPC Kevin Ford No Surprises there, The Only Fraud involved is the Current Resident of 1600 Pennsylvania.
CPT Jack Durish
You throw out this accusation from time to time but never supply any specifics. Thus, you sound simply juvenile as in "So's your old man..." So, let's talk about the fraud committed by President Trump. Would that be in ending wars? Brokering peace? Bringing economic successes to minority communities? Supporting reasonable responses to the pandemic while Democrats accuse him of racism and xenophobia? Tell us all about it...
Swing states flip every so often I look forward to the day when California goes red an Texas goes blue.
SPC (Join to see)
I look forward to the day when all states give proportional electoral votes. Rs win 1/3 of California? They get 1/3 of the votes. Florida goes 50/50? Each get 50% of the vote. Make candidates campaign for the entire country, not just the swing states. And make the final counting less important. Who wins WI? Either way it won’t be what decides the election
SGT (Join to see)
SPC (Join to see) Not going to happen. Expect to see the EC abandoned and the popular vote to be used for determining who the President is.
SPC (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) I don’t see that happening either. You’d need to amend the constitution, and I can’t imagine a scenario with that happening
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