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Responses: 10
1px xxx
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I’d be interested to see what precedent you have to support the Court even being able to order that...
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
4 y
SSgt (Join to see) so you’re saying if enough people whine the Supreme Court can do whatever it wants?

Odd how the court itself disagrees with you.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
4 y
MSG Tom Earley I too, noticed that curious fact. Mail in voting worked just fine in Ohio and Utah. And...for the President himself, who is registered to vote in Florida.
1px xxx
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4 y
MSG Tom Earley looks like PA’s system was modeled on yours, I went through the exact same process. Of course, several people on here have told me that I did not, in fact, go through the process I went through but eh...
1px xxx
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4 y
CPT Bob Coleman ...think you responded in the wrong comment chain...
CW4 Guy Butler
This is embarrassing.
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MSgt Steve Sweeney
Edited 4 y ago
It is terribly sad the way they manipulate the simple minded Trump supporters with this kind of nonsense. Sure, sign your name to that petition. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that it will amount to anything, but I wonder what they mighty do with that big list of names?

I do find it amusing that all the Trump supporters who claim their undying love and devotion to the Constitution of the United States feel they can simply override the Constitution and the laws of every state in the union through means of an online petition. I have no idea why people get the perception that Trump supporters are nearly clinically brain dead. They are obviously very serious and erudite people who just have no idea how actual life works.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
And this is something I just found. I guess there are hundreds of idiots willing to do time for perjury...

MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
4 y
SSgt (Join to see) - I am just glad you are not getting fleeced to pay for Trump's legal fees or line his pockets. As for my LEGAL sources, I gave them - The Constitution of the United States.

Actually, the entire country is stuck with "sycophants, enablers, yes-man, and manipulators" until he is out of office. The fact that a large percentage of the country voted for someone so ill equipped to lead the country is concerning.

Do you REALLY believe social pressure works? Take a look at the linked video:

I appreciate you giving me what Wikipedia told you "conservative" means. I guess that whole precept of individual liberty breaks down when talking about other peoples' liberty... who people can marry, what they can put in their bodies, what women can do with their bodies, etc. Is sounds good on paper, but I don't see it in practice. It seems those that call themselves "conservative" are concerned about their own liberty and rights, getting what they want for themselves, but don't have an issue on stomping on the rights and liberties of others... like telling other people what country they must live in. And while "conservatives" will profess they believe that all men are created equal, or all lives matter, I do not get the sense they actually believe it. Their actions speak louder than their words.

Good luck with your affidavits and court cases.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
Don't confuse Republican Party with those of us who are more conservative than liberal. I am pissed with a lot that DC does. In my opinion, the ONLY reason the government even got into creating laws and policies for marriage is money. You need a license ($), you fall into a different tax category ($), you can be told no unless you "A, B, C" ($). You want to divorce ($$$$) This is also true at the State level. I won't even touch abortion (what women can do with their own body) as I believe abortion should be allowed in certain cases. Just not as a contraceptive! But all of that is off point.

Conservatives: 1-2% are in politics, 1-2% are in the news. Your whole view of us is shaped by social media and the news. There are 98-99% of us conservatives across the country who are NOT in the news. I can guarantee that you have friends who consider themselves conservative, voted for Trump, etc. The influence of social media, including here on RP, allows all of us to "get our hulk on" that we would NEVER do in person.



MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
4 y
SSgt (Join to see) - If you liked those links, I think you would also be interested in The Social Dilemma, a documentary on Netflix. You can check out their site:

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