Posted on Nov 8, 2020
Fox News suspends Jeanine Pirro’s show after ‘spat’ over airing baseless voter fraud claims:...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
Someone should have stuffed a rag in her mouth long ago. Vitriolic and inaccurate.
CWO3 (Join to see)
CPT Bob Coleman - Despite your personal digs I realize you are disgruntled over the election and won't add fuel to the fire. Rag stuffing is a figure of speech. It appears that's what Fox did. It was an opinion, not worthy of questioning my service, family, or Oaths taken. That was a personal choice made by you.
CWO3 (Join to see)
CPT Bob Coleman - A deep response. Get some butt salve. Time heals all wounds. Get over it and move on. That is all.
CWO3 (Join to see)
CPT Bob Coleman - We agree on that. 5 million more voters have chosen Biden, but this is three card Monty. Some people don't know when they're defeated, i.e. POTUS Trump. Expect new norms, such as the Justice Dept. breaking the 40 years of non-interference. Hand recounts and pleadings. Perhaps, ask the unbound delegates in key states to break state rules, with help from the legislature. They might build a case and go to Federal Court. All options to replay until they get the desired outcome. My Oaths were to the US Constitution. Thanks for your opinions.
CWO3 (Join to see)
CPT Bob Coleman - Regarding reference to defending (or fighting for) freedom and my ancestors, the Chattan Clan was at the center of front rank at Culloden in 1746, long before USA Independence, Prince Charlie stayed with Lady Anne Macintosh the night before battle. They lost, but weren't losers or suckers.

Clan Chattan | ScotClans | Scottish Clans
Gaelic Name: Clann GillacatanMotto: Touch not the cat but a gloveBadge: Red whortleberryOrigin of Name: Clan of the catsRegion: HighlandsClan Chief: Malcolm K MacKintosh of Clan Chattan
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