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Responses: 2
MSgt Steve Sweeney
Edited 4 y ago
I think it is cute how threatened people are by AOC as a relatively junior member of congress. But you are correct and those that supported Donald Trump and benefited from his corruption should be allowed to forget and be forgotten. They should be able to deny their support, that they benefited, or that they ever supported him. People like this are fully within their rights to demonstrate their lack of fortitude and spine, and after a certain time has past claim they never supported Trump, or use the more common tactic of cowards and couch their support in some mealy-mouthed qualifier like, "I am not a Trump supporter but ..." normally found in front of many things they say. In time finding anyone that will openly admit to supporting Trump will be as rare as finding those that will openly admit they supported GWB. And perhaps that is they way it should be. It has started already.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
Yes, this was an election. Yes, so far it appears JB has won. I am fine with that on the surface. I am not fine with the optics and the unexplained surges in counts in 4 states. I don't have an answer for those so look forward to the investigations and the, most probably, no findings. As far as the news declaring JB the winner - WTF? The states have not declared yet. There is no clear Electoral winner until enough states declare.

And everyone is a constitutional lawyer didn't you know. The left has been screaming for 4 years of every constitutional break from DT. And screaming even more than those that opposed BO over his 8 years - of which I was one of those.

Our founding fathers wrote the Constitution and expressed the intent that we, the people, understand it. However, big brother has wrapped it in so many legal things even lawyers cannot navigate successfully anymore. KISS. Has anyone ever heard of KISS.

"The cowards are those that supported Trump in denigrating the office of the President of the United States" - of what do you speak of here? His twitter habits? His exaggerations? His not being a consummate statesman able to tell you what you want to hear yet stabbing you in the back the whole while? No, on this I do not give you a free pass to say DT denigrated the office and give no proof. Did he get a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office? Did he stand up his own server for classified emails? What is it he did that makes you claim he denigrated the office?
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
4 y
SSgt (Join to see) - There are no "unexplained sugres". They counted votes and the numbers got bigger. Trump was saying for nearly a year how he would try and obstruct the mail in vote, so it is no surprise more of Trump's supporters voted at the polls on election day while more Biden voters voted by mail. There is no big mystery. Anyone and everyone that was paying attention predicted correctly that it would break that way. They also correctly predicted Trump would throw his little hissy fit and get his simple minded followers whipped into a froth.

The media has always made that call based on their projections. They haven't always been correct - see "Dewey Defeats Truman headline", but they have become a lot more circumspect and accurate since then.

Trump denigrated the office through his complete lack of integrity, character, and leadership and his perpetual message of division and derision, not to mention blatend criminality. Also his manipulation of simple minded people and demands of personal loyalty above loyalty to the country or Constitution. His leadership failures now account for the deaths of over 200,000 Americans. Oh, I know, you don't want to believe it. As for the criminality, that will become more apparent when he no longer has the office to protect him from criminal prosecution.

By all means, please point out or provide any evidence of your claim that the Founding Fathers "expressed the intent that we, the people, understand it." Please cite any sources or case studies, and give specific examples of the expression of this intent, being the "expert" that you are. I now it is hard to accept that people that actually engaged in a rigorous course of accredited study might know more about the Constitution and law than you do, but you might want to consider why it is illegal to practice law without a license. Listening to Rush Limbaugh and that idiot Mark Levine on a regular basis does not a Congressional Scholar make.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
After you. You talked generalities that have been headlines for 4+ years. Was the basis of several probes and an impeachment. I also look forward to several criminal cases to be brought by the great state of New York against DT. Yet another set of charges leveled at almost all owners of business.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
4 y
SSgt (Join to see) - Doesn't matter if I am general or specific, I am sure you find an excuse like any sycophant defending the cult leader. If you want a specific, then you need look no further than Trump's statement saying that he likes veterans who were not captured, and the implication that any veterans that were captured are somehow less than. But, you will say, that was about John McCain, who was a veteran that served his country in time of war and was captured and tortured. And still you will find a way to justify his remarks. Excuse after excuse after excuse.

Regardless, I still agree with you that they should not keep a list of those that supported and enabled Trump while he was making a mockery of the office. Those people should be allowed to deny him even while denying their own complicity. Being a supporter of a con man known for Trump University and having his fraudulent charity shut down for self-dealing is not a good look and should not stain or besmirch anyone's record permanently.
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SSG Robert Webster
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
4 y
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